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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

Committee of the Whole Minutes

MARCH 19, 2012

Mayor Berman called the meeting to order.

In attendance: Mayor Dale Berman ,Trustee Chris Faber, Trustee Mark Guethle, Trustee Mark Gaffino, Trustee Laura Curtis, Trustee Vince Mancini, Village Clerk Lori Murray. Not in attendance: Trustee Ryan Lambert.

Staff in attendance: Village Atty. Kevin Drendel, Village Administrator Wes Kornowske, Finance Director Bill Hannah, Community Development Director Scott Buening, Water Superintendent Paul Young, Public Works Superintendent Mike Glock, Police Chief Dave Summer.


1. Discussion on the Village’s use of Social Media
Village Administrator Wes Kornowske stated that the Village of North Aurora is one of the only communities within the Fox Valley that is not using social media such as Twitter and Facebook to get messages to the public outside of the Village website. Kornowske said he contacted several communities on how and who monitories their social media. Kornowske said he would like to see a combined Facebook page/Twitter account. Curtis said she would like to see the school district associated with the Facebook page and likes the idea of the Village Facebook. Mancini said he likes the idea of a limited number of people being able to put information on the Facebook page and monitoring the page, suggesting the fewer number of people the better. Atty. Drendel said that the Village’s biggest challenge in creating a policy on how we monitor the website is understanding first amendment concerns and having clearcut criteria for who monitors the website. It should not be left up to one person but should be a set criteria that does not violate first amendment concerns.

Mayor Berman said he was against a Village Facebook page and that if anyone wants to know anything about the Village they can look at the Village website. The Village has a way to disseminate information and that is through the Village website.

Kornowske said there are no clear set criteria on how to handle social media such as Facebook and Twitter. Trustee Gaffino asked what feedback other communities have had. Kornowske said that for the most part it has been positive, especially where community development is concerned. Trustee Mancini said that well worded policies and procedures are needed. Mayor Berman asked how much the Village wants to spend on employee time to have someone monitoring Facebook and watching what is being posted.

Atty. Drendel said that all of the records would need to be maintained. Guethle asked if conversation on Facebook by a trustee could be FOIA requested. Kornowske said yes.

The Board directed Kornowske to put together policies and procedures and bring it back to the Board for further review.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Guethle and seconded by Trustee Gaffino. All in favor. Motion approved.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk

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