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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

Plan Commission Minutes


MARCH 1, 2016

Chairman Brackett called the meeting to order.

In attendance: Chairman Mike Brackett, Commissioners Mark Rivecco, Anna Tuohy, Aaron Anderson, Tom Lenkart, Connie Holbrook, Doug Botkin. Not in attendance: Commissioner Mark Bozik and Jennifer Duncan.

Staff in attendance: Village Administrator Steve Bosco, Community & Economic Development Director Mike Toth, Village Clerk Lori Murray.

1. Approval of Plan Commission Minutes dated November 3, 2015
Motion for approval made by Commissioner Tuohy and seconded by Commissioner Botkin. All in favor. Motion approved.

1. Petition #16-01 (19-61 S. Randall Road): The petitioner is requesting special use approval to
allow a Health and Athletic Club in the B-2 General Business District
Community & Economic Development Director Mike Toth stated that the petitioner requests a special use approval for a Health and Athletic Club in the Clock Towers Plaza. Toth noted that parking in the Clock Tower Plaza can accommodate the use of a Health and Athletic Club. There are 136 parking spaces on site. This use would require 59 of those spaces. Toth said that he spoke with the petitioner regarding his only concern which was how the court and exercise room would affect the business to the south. The business owner of the salon had no concerns. Toth said that the Village has put in a condition that there be some sort of sound deadening to reduce noise to the tenant to the south. The petitioner runs Elite Fitness out of Western Springs. Toth recommended approval with the 2 conditions as listed in the staff report.

There were no public comments

Chairman Brackett closed the public portion of the hearing.

Commissioner Rivecco asked if the total amount of parking included handicapped spaces. Toth said yes. Rivecco said this is a good use for a lot of vacant space.

Commissioner Tuohy asked if there would be showers located in the health club facility. Toth said yes and he believed it would be a couple of showers. Tuohy also noted her concern with traffic, specifically making a left turn on Oak by the Speedway gas station during peak times. Toth said he would keep an eye on the situation.

Commissioner Anderson asked about the hours of operation. Toth said the hours would be Monday – Friday 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Lenkart suggested the need for lockers and noted his concern regarding noise from aerobics classes affecting the business to the south as well as the height of the ceilings being tall enough to accommodate for basketball.

Commissioner Botkin asked if the owner is aware of North Aurora Days. Toth said the owner is aware of the use of the Clock Tower Plaza during that time.

Chairman Brackett closed the public hearing.

1. Petition #16-01 (19-61 S. Randall Road): The petitioner is requesting special use
approval to allow a Health and Athletic Club in the B-2 General Business District.
Motion for approval was made by Commissioner Anderson and second by Commissioner Holbrook (per staff recommendation. Roll Call Vote: Botkin – yes, Rivecco – yes, Anderson – yes, Holbrook – yes, Tuohy – yes, Lenkart – yes. Motion approved (6-0).

2. Village staff would like to solicit feedback from the Plan Commission relative to the
corner side yard setback required in the E-3 Estate Standard District.
When the new zoning ordinance was adopted, the corner side yard setback in the E-3 district was set at 40 feet. There are existing homes that are non-conforming. The request now is to reduce the side yard setback in the E3 district for corner lots to 30 feet. The Plan Commission was in favor of making this change. Toth said he would bring this back to the Plan Commission meeting in May.


-Lenkart said that the new building east of JC Penny appears to be a steel structure rather than the preformed concrete walls that have been used in the past. Toth said he was not aware of this and would look into it further and report back to the commission.

-Lenkart asked why chain-linked fences were being used on the industrial sites. Toth said that he tried to change the fence material in the past and that there had been resistance on the Plan Commission level. Industrial uses permit this type of fence.

Brackett asked if the Commission should make a recommendation to change the fence material requirement. Bosco said that he would check to see if certain types of fencing are required for industrial uses. Toth said that fencing material could be discussed during the site plan review process since site plan is required for any non-residential building. Lenkart said that the Village should want a clean and professional look for its buildings and that there is no reason to have poor fencing for industrial uses. Bosco said the Village can survey surrounding communities regarding the fence materials they require.

-The Lions Club awarded Mark Bozik’s daughter with the North Auroran of the Year award.

-The Village is in the process of getting quotes for banners. The program will start within 6 weeks to 2 months. There are 16 poles that have brackets for banners. The banners will start at Route 25 and go over the bridge to the Activity Center site.

-Welcome sign project. Welcome to North Aurora signs to be installed this spring at 10 locations throughout the village.

-Community Building Study – There may be two phases for the needs and demand study. 1. Initial basic demand. The Board has the ability to decide if there is clearly a need for a community building. The second phase will look at programs, staffing and cost. The first phase is due back in about 4 weeks.

-Garbage RFPs goes out tomorrow to five companies.

-Well project – The village is looking at some significant water projects; Drilling of another well and a new water tower to meet current needs and growth.

Mike Toth reported on the following:
-Development of the North Aurora Storage is moving forward. The developer pulled a permit to rehab the facility.
-The Hardware Brewery and Restaurant is also moving forward. Opening is planned for sometime in May.
-The Springs at Oak & Orchard was approved. The village will see 3 building clusters going up in late spring.
-The village purchased the property at 24 S. Lincolnway and is putting bid specifications together to have the property demolished.

Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Rivecco and seconded by Commissioner Lenkart. All in favor. Motion approved.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk


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