FEBRUARY 7, 2017
Chairman Brackett called the meeting to order.
In attendance: Chairman Mike Brackett, Co-chairman Jennifer Duncan, Commissioners Mark Rivecco, Anna Tuohy, Aaron Anderson, Tom Lenkart, Connie Holbrook and Doug Botkin. Not in attendance: Commissioner Mark Bozik.
Staff in attendance: Village Administrator Steve Bosco, Community & Economic Development Director Mike Toth, Village Clerk Lori Murray.
1. Approval of Plan Commission Minutes dated January 3, 2017
Motion for approval made by Commissioner Duncan and seconded by Commissioner Holbrook. All in favor. Motion approved.
1. Petition #17-02 (102 S. Lincolnway): The petitioner requests a special use to allow Motor Vehicle Repair and/or Service in the B-3 Central Business District, pursuant to Section 8.2 of the North Aurora Zoning Ordinance
2. Petition #17-03 (921 N. Deerpath Road): The petitioner requests a variance from Section 15.48.080 of the North Aurora Sign Ordinance to increase the allowable size of a Class 2 Temporary Sign in the E-R Estate Rural District.
Chairman Brackett opened the public hearing. Those who were to speak were sworn in at this time. Chairman Brackett then closed the public hearing.
1. Petition #17-02 (102 S. Lincolnway): The petitioner requests a special use to allow
Motor Vehicle Repair and/or Service in the B-3 Central Business District, pursuant to Section 8.2 of the North Aurora Zoning Ordinance
John White, petitioner, addressed the Commission. White stated that he is looking to open an automotive repair shop which will be a family-run business. The location is a 14,810 s.f. lot which will have 4 bays with 2,300 s.f. inside the building and a retail space of 1,300 s.f. White said he estimates an average of 17,000 cars pass by this location and his business is looking to capture the traffic of surrounding towns and traffic off I-88. He plans to continue working with the Village on colors and ambiance for the building. There will be 13 parking spaces which will cover the requirements of the parking ordinance. All automotive work will be done in the garage and not on the outside. Mike Toth noted that there were a few conditions that were put into the staff report should the Plan Commission want to adopt them. Inoperable vehicles will be prohibited on the outside of the building. The storage rack as well as any existing debris would need to be removed. The petitioner has agreed to work with the Village to obtain an easement on the easterly 25 feet of the property for stormwater purposes.
Commissioner Tuohy asked if there is room for a sidewalk, adding that she would like to see more pedestrian space. Steve Bosco noted that there currently is a sidewalk but it is broken up by the two curb cuts.
Commissioner Lenkart asked where fluids and oils will be stored. White said that they would be stored indoors in a storage area. Lenkart said he wanted to make sure that testing of repairs are not done on the residential streets and limited to Route 31. Toth said that if testing of the vehicles were done on the residential street (i.e. John Street) it would be a traffic code violation.
Rivecco asked if the existing pylon sign will remain and if so, will it be enhanced. White said yes and that the sign will be enhanced with landscaping.
Toth said that the property is in the Route 31 TIF so there will be opportunity to secure TIF funding to upgrade the property.
Motion made by Commissioner Anderson and seconded by Commissioner Lenkart to approve subject to staff recommendations. All in favor. Motion approved (7-0).
2. Petition #17-03 (921 N. Deerpath Road): The petitioner requests a variance from
Section 15.48.080 of the North Aurora Sign Ordinance to increase the allowable size of a Class 2 Temporary Sign in the E-R Estate Rural District
Mike Toth stated the Village’s temporary sign ordinance is very limiting for residential properties. The petitioner would like to put up a 32 s.f. real estate sign to advertise the sale of the property. Currently, he would be limited to six (6) s.f. That is very small due to the total size of the property. The petitioner requested a variance to go to 32 s.f. Toth noted that the time period for the temporary sign would be 180 days. The petitioner is requesting extending that time period based upon the sale of the property or just extending the amount of time.
Chairman Brackett asked how this differs from the last time the Plan Commission discussed a larger sign. Toth said the previous temporary sign discussion was for the Liberty property which is located in the O-R-I District. Toth noted that the subject property is in the E-R District, which is a residential district. Lenkart asked if the Village has done this for other developments before. Toth said, yes. Duncan said that normally the petitioner would have to reapply after 180 days. Toth stated that the variance would be subject to an ordinance so the Village could extend the time by saying it can remain until the sale of the property, subject to the sign remaining intact and slightly. Botkin said he does not like the indefinite clause and would prefer it to be limited to 18 months.
Motion made by Commissioner Anderson and seconded by Commissioner Duncan to approve the request which will be reviewed on the one year anniversary and ensuring that the sign remains in good condition. All in favor. Motion approved (7-0).
3. Site Plan Approval (SPA 17-02) – Lot 107 of Randall Crossing
Ryan Blocker with Jacob & Hefner Associates, civil engineer working on the project for Dr. Aziz, addressed the Commission. The petitioner is looking to build on a vacant lot at the northwest corner of Randall Road and Ritter Street. This would be for a new dental facility. Dr. Aziz of North Aurora Smiles has been in the Village of North Aurora for 10 years. He stated that his business is currently on Oak and Randall in a 1500 s.f. office space and it is growing well beyond current capacity. Dr. Aziz plans to double their treatment room and build for future expansion.
Toth said the site plan meets the Zoning Ordinance and PUD requirements. Of the 2-acre lot, Dr. Aziz will build on an acre and a quarter. The rest will remain greenspace. There are two future expansion wings on the north and south sides of the building. There will be 40 parking stalls and a trash enclosure. Brackett asked if the parking requirement is sufficient after expansion. Toth said, yes. Botkin asked about stormwater runoff and retention. Toth said that the location of the building would be southeast of the Turf Room and that existing infrastructure is already in place. Lenkart asked about the greenspace. Blocker stated the north lot would be turf grass. The perimeter landscaping will be where the limits are for the current development.
Duncan asked if the building goes up to the edge of the 50-foot landscape easement. Toth said, yes. Duncan mentioned that it is a beautiful building and will be a nice addition to the Village.
Tuohy asked if Dr. Aziz if there will be any signage on the backside of the building. Dr. Aziz said that signage will be on the building and then on the corner of Randall and Ritter, facing the intersection. The hope is to have an LED sign where they could advertise community events.
Motion for approval made by Commissioner Lenkart and seconded by Commissioner Botkin subject to include that the dumpster enclosure be noted as 14.11.A in the Zoning Ordinance. All in favor. Motion approved (7-0).
4. Site Plan Approval (SPA 17-03) – Lot 1 North Aurora Towne Centre
John Eggert, attorney for Riverfront Chrysler Jeep, stated that the petitioner is requesting approval of a new stand-alone Jeep Dealership on Orchard Gateway Boulevard just west of Target. The coming trend in the Chrysler entity (Fiat/Chrysler Automobiles) is to take the Jeep franchises and put them into separate locations.
Bill Perry, Watermark Engineering, stated that the site is located south of Orchard Gateway, just east of the North Aurora Auto Mall and is separated from the Auto Mall by an existing wetland area. The site is a 7-1/2 acre site. There are two curb cuts on the site, providing access to Orchard Gateway Boulevard — one is a full entrance on the far west side and a right-in-right-out in the middle of the site which they proposed closing to create a new one to the far east side of the property. The site itself will have a 30,993 s.f. building specifically dedicated to Jeep brand. They are proposing 64 customer parking spaces, mostly in the front along Orchard Gateway Boulevard. The site will provide landscaping and a buffer area from the street. The rear of the lot will have 567 spaces for product inventory.
Brackett asked how much of the remaining property to the east is still developable. Toth said there are 4 – 5 acres left to build on. Eggert said there is more property to the south. Toth said to the south is the former Ashley Furniture property.
Tuohy asked about the type of fencing that will be placed around the inventory. Bill Perry responded that they did not propose a fence, but there will be landscaping and curbing in that area.
Lenkart asked how they will justify 567 spaces in that area. Mr. McSkimming said he is currently at capacity with 5 acres and has outgrown the lot. This year, Jeep is planning to increase their production by 40-50%. Dealers who go with a standalone Jeep dealership will get allocation of 40-50% more of what they have today. Last year their location sold just over 1200 new vehicles – about 640 of those were Jeeps. The projection is 1000 Jeeps sold for this year out of this building alone.
Toth said these are very limited in the country. There are only a handful of these Jeep dealerships and there are only three dealerships in the Midwest that have been given this franchise.
Botkin asked if this proposed new eastern entrance will be a traffic light, Toth said there will be no traffic light at this entrance.
Motion made by Commissioner Duncan and seconded by Commissioner Lenkart to approve the site plan with a condition of the dumpster enclosure. All in favor. Motion approved (7-0).
Village has a petition on hand that will be submitted for the March Plan Commission meeting. It is for seven (7) acres behind the Turf Room. This will be a mixed use PUD and will require a special use to allow for certain deviations. The hotel portion is a permitted use. They are also looking to build forty (40) townhomes on the westerly portion of the area.
Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Lenkart and seconded by Commissioner Duncan. All in favor. Motion approved.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk