FEBRUARY 6, 2018
Chairman Brackett called the meeting to order.
In attendance: Chairman Mike Brackett, Commissioners Anna Tuohy, Mark Bozik, Tom Lenkart, Doug Botkin, Aaron Anderson, Connie Holbrook. Not in attendance: Commissioners Mark Rivecco and Jennifer Duncan.
Staff in attendance: Village Administrator Steve Bosco, Community and Economic Development Director Mike Toth.
1. Approval of Plan Commission Minutes dated November 7, 2017
Motion for approval made by Commissioner Tuohy and seconded by Commissioner Lenkart. All in favor. Motion approved.
1. Petition 18-01 (24 S. Lincolnway) The petitioner requests the following actions on the subject property:
1) Special use to allow a Drive-Through Facility
2) Site Plan Review (non public hearing item)
Chairman Brackett opened the public hearing and swore in those participants who would be addressing the commission.
Mike Toth briefly noted that the hotel at Orchard Commerce has delayed its petition. The hotel issue will not be on the agenda for the evening’s meeting.
Chairman Brackett closed the public hearing
1. Petition 18-01 (24 S. Lincolnway) The petitioner requests the following actions on the subject property:
1) Special use to allow a Drive-Through Facility
2) Site Plan Review
Toth noted, for the record, that updated building elevation drawings will be submitted to the public hearing. Staff is recommending approval of the petition. Four conditions of approval were included in the staff report. Petitioner also submitted a standards for special uses which was included in the packet. Toth introduced the petitioner, Scott Miller at this time.
Mr. Miller stated that they are currently working to figure out what will be done in regard to landscaping and signage. ISG (architects) and Moka (name of the coffee shop owner who is in Wisconsin, Minnesota and has 7 stores currently). The landscape architect has a concern with the big trees around the building that are labeled as shade trees in that they would be covering the entire building. The hope is to revise this so that there is more visibility and would therefore like to pare back on the shade trees. Miller said he hopes to have a design within the next week.
On the east elevation, where the drive-thru is indicated, there would be a curved canopy. The canopy would be over the walk-in restroom area. The Moka sign on the left (southeast corner) will have a lit sign and have the same positioning as the opposite elevation. The building will also have a covered patio. Customers will order coffee through the drive-thru window and the business will have a person (runner) go out and take orders for cars that are waiting in line to place their order.
Commissioner Botkin asked about the drive-thru method with the runner. Miller said that he likes the format of not having a speaker to place one’s order. The idea is to engage with someone taking the order and making it more personable.
Commissioner Bozik asked about the anticipated car count per day. Miller said he did not have the information at this time but could ask Moka about their car counts for their other stores.
Toth noted that the stacking requirement is only three stack spots and this proposal would have seven.
Bozik said his concern was in reference to the south entrance/exit off of Route 31. If there is a large volume of vehicles, it will conflict with the John/31 intersection. Bozik asked if it would be better served as a right-in/right-out. Miller said that anyone who wants to go northbound on an exit will prefer to do it on John rather than the south exit on Route 31.
Commissioner Lenkart requested that the mechanicals for the building not be placed on the east or south elevations. Lenkart suggested they be placed on the north elevation. Toth said that condition #4 states that all rooftop and ground base mechanicals are required to be screened.
Toth noted that a condition could be included to work with the village engineer and traffic engineer to go over the egress and directional signage on the site. Lenkart preferred a north exit off of John and a right-in/right-out only on the southern curb cut. Commissioner Tuohy noted her concern with left hand turns onto Route 31.
Motion made by Commissioner Anderson and seconded by Commission Botkin to approve subject to staff recommendations.
1. Business District Design Standards Workshop
Toth stated that he would like to reformat the zoning ordinance for the business district design standards so that it is written more as a guideline standard and bring it back to the commissioner for review. The commission was agree able to this suggestion.
Toth mentioned that D.R. Horton is working on a development for the previous Fox Valley Golf Course.
Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Lenkart and seconded by Commissioner Bozik. All in favor. Motion approved.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk