FEBRUARY 4, 2014
CALL TO ORDER – 7:00 pm
Chairman Brackett called the meeting to order.
In attendance: Chairman Mike Brackett, Co-Chairman Jennifer Duncan, Commissioners Mark Carroll, Jennifer Duncan, Tom Lenkart, Ana Tuohy, Aaron Anderson, Mark Rivecco. Not in attendance: Commissioners Connie Holbrook and Mark Bozik.
Staff in attendance: Village Administrator Steven Bosco, Economic and Community Development Director Mike Toth, Village Clerk Lori Murray.
- 1. Approval of Plan Commission Minutes dated January 7, 2014
Chairman Duncan noted the following changes: Item 1 should reflect an 8-0 vote. Item 2 should reflect a 7-1 vote. Minutes should reflect that Mark Carroll was in attendance.
Motion made by Commissioner Duncan and seconded by Commissioner Carroll to approve the January 7, 2014 Minutes as amended. All in favor. Motion approved.
- 1. 17 S. Lincolnway (Petition #14-03) – The petitioner requests the following variances for the subject property, located within the Lincoln Highway (Rte 31) Special Sign District:
- A variance from Section 15.48.100(B)(4) to allow a freestanding sign to encroach into the required five (5) foot setback; and
- A variance from Section 15.48.110(D)(a) & (b) to allow a freestanding sign which is not of monument design or masonry construction; and,
- A variance from Section 15.48.110(D)(d) to allow a freestanding sign to exceed six (6) feet in height. (Petition #13-09).
No questions or comments from audience.
There is currently a sign on the northwest corner of the property. As a condition of approval, that sign would be removed.
(Commissioner Lenkart arrived).
Chairman Brackett closed the public portion of the hearing.
Commissioner Rivecco suggested the pole be painted. The petitioner was in agreement.
Commissioner Tuohy asked if the pole is more than 6 feet in height. The petitioner said it is approximately 14 feet.
Commissioner Anderson asked if there is a rendering of the proposed sign. The petitioner provided his copy to the Commission.
Commissioner Duncan asked if the sign will be offset. The petitioner said that the sign would be placed on a right-angle mount. This will not be an issue from an engineering standpoint.
Duncan asked about the size of the required landscaped area. Mike Toth noted that it will be
75 s.f. The sign is located in a parking space and the landscape will take up a majority of the space.
Commissioner Carroll asked about the size of the old sign. Petitioner said it was 16-18 feet in height and 80 s.f. Carroll asked if the petitioner would be running anything other than time and temperature on the LED sign. Petitioner said there would be no time and temp, rather business information for the Tastee Freeze.
Carroll said his concern is that the long term plan was to clean up Route 31 of visual clutter and start to bury power lines and that there is a lot of eye clutter when driving down Route 31 through North Aurora.
Motion made by Commissioner Lenkart and seconded by Commissioner Duncan to accept the variance of the sign ordinance for Tastee Freeze. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Lenkart – yes, Trustee Rivecco – yes, Trustee Duncan – yes, Trustee Tuohy – yes, Trustee Anderson – yes. Trustee Carroll – yes. Motion approved (6-0).
Ordinance will be placed on the agenda for the March 3rd Village Board meeting.
- 1. Village Staff would like to solicit feedback from the Plan Commission
relative to text amendments associated with indoor athletic training facility zoning provisions
Village Staff is looking at athletic uses in industrial buildings. Currently, they are nonconforming. Staff would like to clean up the zoning ordinance for all athletic uses to reflect market realities. There are some current businesses that want to expand.
Staff would look at the following:
-Definition of a hall, club or lodge – currently references athletic purposes. Suggestion is to remove reference to athletic purposes.
-Create an indoor sports facility-type use. It is currently considered a special use. It would allow the Village to look at this on a case by case basis and look at parking issues. The City of Geneva has a parking ratio for a sports facility and the Village would copy that.
-Allow personal training facilities as a permitted use in an I-2, O, ORI and business zones.
-Use of the term indoor sports facility – it was suggested that the standard term should reflect indoor and outdoor.
The issue will be discussed further at the Development Committee meeting on February 17th.
The Village has been approached by a current property owner in town who is looking to open a new Fairfield/Marriot facility between Genesis and Deerpath. More information will be discussed at the March meeting.
Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Lenkart and seconded by Commissioner Duncan. All in favor. Motion approved.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk
FEBRUARY 4, 2014
CALL TO ORDER – 7:00 pm
Chairman Brackett called the meeting to order.
In attendance: Chairman Mike Brackett, Co-Chairman Jennifer Duncan, Commissioners Mark Carroll, Jennifer Duncan, Tom Lenkart, Ana Tuohy, Aaron Anderson, Mark Rivecco. Not in attendance: Commissioners Connie Holbrook and Mark Bozik.
Staff in attendance: Village Administrator Steven Bosco, Economic and Community Development Director Mike Toth, Village Clerk Lori Murray.
1. Approval of Plan Commission Minutes dated January 7, 2014
Chairman Duncan noted the following changes: Item 1 should reflect an 8-0 vote. Item 2 should reflect a 7-1 vote. Minutes should reflect that Mark Carroll was in attendance.
Motion made by Commissioner Duncan and seconded by Commissioner Carroll to approve the January 7, 2014 Minutes as amended. All in favor. Motion approved.
1. 17 S. Lincolnway (Petition #14-03) – The petitioner requests the following variances for the subject property, located within the Lincoln Highway (Rte 31) Special Sign District:
A. A variance from Section 15.48.100(B)(4) to allow a freestanding sign to encroach into the required five (5) foot setback; and
B. A variance from Section 15.48.110(D)(a) & (b) to allow a freestanding sign which is not of monument design or masonry construction; and,
C. A variance from Section 15.48.110(D)(d) to allow a freestanding sign to exceed six (6) feet in height. (Petition #13-09).
No questions or comments from audience.
There is currently a sign on the northwest corner of the property. As a condition of approval, that sign would be removed.
(Commissioner Lenkart arrived).
Chairman Brackett closed the public portion of the hearing.
Commissioner Rivecco suggested the pole be painted. The petitioner was in agreement.
Commissioner Tuohy asked if the pole is more than 6 feet in height. The petitioner said it is approximately 14 feet.
Commissioner Anderson asked if there is a rendering of the proposed sign. The petitioner provided his copy to the Commission.
Commissioner Duncan asked if the sign will be offset. The petitioner said that the sign would be placed on a right-angle mount. This will not be an issue from an engineering standpoint.
Duncan asked about the size of the required landscaped area. Mike Toth noted that it will be
75 s.f. The sign is located in a parking space and the landscape will take up a majority of the space.
Commissioner Carroll asked about the size of the old sign. Petitioner said it was 16-18 feet in height and 80 s.f. Carroll asked if the petitioner would be running anything other than time and temperature on the LED sign. Petitioner said there would be no time and temp, rather business information for the Tastee Freeze.
Carroll said his concern is that the long term plan was to clean up Route 31 of visual clutter and start to bury power lines and that there is a lot of eye clutter when driving down Route 31 through North Aurora.
Motion made by Commissioner Lenkart and seconded by Commissioner Duncan to accept the variance of the sign ordinance for Tastee Freeze. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Lenkart – yes, Trustee Rivecco – yes, Trustee Duncan – yes, Trustee Tuohy – yes, Trustee Anderson – yes. Trustee Carroll – yes. Motion approved (6-0).
Ordinance will be placed on the agenda for the March 3rd Village Board meeting.
1. Village Staff would like to solicit feedback from the Plan Commission
relative to text amendments associated with indoor athletic training facility zoning provisions
Village Staff is looking at athletic uses in industrial buildings. Currently, they are nonconforming. Staff would like to clean up the zoning ordinance for all athletic uses to reflect market realities. There are some current businesses that want to expand.
Staff would look at the following:
-Definition of a hall, club or lodge – currently references athletic purposes. Suggestion is to remove reference to athletic purposes.
-Create an indoor sports facility-type use. It is currently considered a special use. It would allow the Village to look at this on a case by case basis and look at parking issues. The City of Geneva has a parking ratio for a sports facility and the Village would copy that.
-Allow personal training facilities as a permitted use in an I-2, O, ORI and business zones.
-Use of the term indoor sports facility – it was suggested that the standard term should reflect indoor and outdoor.
The issue will be discussed further at the Development Committee meeting on February 17th.
The Village has been approached by a current property owner in town who is looking to open a new Fairfield/Marriot facility between Genesis and Deerpath. More information will be discussed at the March meeting.
Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Lenkart and seconded by Commissioner Duncan. All in favor. Motion approved.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk