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Plan Commission Minutes

Chairman Brackett called the meeting to order.

In attendance: Chairman Mike Brackett, Commissioners Jennifer Duncan, Mark Bozik, Mark Rivecco, Tom Lenkart, Andrea Rattray, Connie Holbrook and Ed Sweeney. 
Not in attendance: Commissioner Mark Carroll.

Staff in attendance: Village Administrator Wes Kornowske, Community Development Director Scott Buening, Village Clerk Lori Murray.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES – November 1, 2011 
Motion for approval made by Commissioner Rivecco and seconded by Commissioner Duncan.


A. Lots 2 & 4 in Randall Commercial Center (Assisted Care/Memory Care)
Community Development Director Scott Buening stated that the Plan Commission would be required to make a decision in terms of this proposal. The Commission could decide to take no action and continue the special use indefinitely, continue the special use to a specific date or recommend revocation proceedings. 

The developer is proposing an assisted care/memory care center at Randall & Comiskey (north of Oak Street). The location would be set back in Lot 2 of the project. The proposal is for an 84-unit facility to begin with which would include 60 assisted care rooms and the ability to add 30 residents in the assisted care and another neighborhood of residents in the memory care units (26 units). There will also be a fitness center and rehabilitation facility as well. The total number of units in the end will be 138. The property consists of two parcels (Lots 2 & 4) which will be consolidated. 

Mr. Sorrentino noted that a request for credit package is going out to both lenders and private equity groups, that he is getting some meetings with lenders and that finance is an ongoing issue. Sorrentino said that if financing goes through, would like to start construction in mid 2012 and completion in mid 2013.

Commissioner Rattray asked Sorrentino if he had applied for any of the senior housing grants. Sorrentino said this project would be a private pay facility and that he was not aware of the grants but would definitely check into it. 

Rattray asked if the purpose of proposed Lot 2 was for future expansion. Sorrentino said that the real purpose was for financing. In terms of Lot 3, envisioned it as a small medical building. Buening asked Sorrentino, if the Village were to approve the plat of consolidation, if it would be done now or in the future. Sorrentino said it would be in the future and not until he has financing.

Rattray asked if Lot 2 would have an access agreement for the drives. Sorrentino said yes. Rattray said it might benefit to include extra handicap spaces by the gym location. 

Commissioner Sweeney asked what this means in terms of being an ongoing issue with the financing. Sorrentino said that until he secures a commitment to fund, it is all speculative. Sweeney asked if this is in the hands of a lender. Sorrentino said this is a 20 million dollar project and funding will probably come from a private equity group. Sorrentino said he thinks he will have a commitment within six months. 

Commissioner Duncan said it appeared that the Village Board had a lot of conditions with the original plan. Special use was given with all of the conditions and changes. The only concern is if it significantly affects the original conditions. Sorrentino said they are consistent with the recommendations of the ordinance. 

Village Administrator Wes Kornowske said that the Plan Commission can hold off and do another review in 6 months if the Plan Commission decides. Buening said that if the Plan Commission defers this to June of 2012 and then decides to revoke, would start the process at that time.

Duncan asked if part of the financing issue is due to not planning on any low income housing. Sorrentino said that is not the issue at all.

Commissioner Bozik said that the Village is 18 months into the proposed project. Bozik then asked Sorrentino at what point would he say this will not work and walk away. Sorrentino said that one factor is the personal financial situation. Second, if unable to get a financial lender, it may be a message that the project is not possible to finance. 

Commissioner Lenkart said that when looking back at the Minutes from June, the plan was modified 6 months ago to 84 units. Sorrentino said that layouts and building footprints have been changed and a complete redesign was done since August. Lenkart questioned that it took 6 months just to get to this point and added that he was offended that when the Plan Commission questions him, he threatens to leave. 

Lenkart asked if Sorrentino was simply the developer. Sorrentino said his company is developing the project and would hire Westshore to manage. 

Commissioner Rattray said that if no construction drawings are complete until Sorrentino secures financing, will probably not see construction until the spring of 2013. 

Buening said that if the Plan Commission is inclined to allow another 6 months, one of the conditions is for the sidewalk to be completed. Buening asked Sorrentino if that is something that could be accelerated. Sorrentino said no due to finances. 

Sweeney said that everyone understands that the project is desirable, but does not understand what the lending process looks like. Chairman Brackett asked if any lenders have given him a timeline. Sorrentino said 60 – 90 days. Brackett said that 6 months ago Sorrentino did not have any lenders. If there are no lenders in 6 months, then it won’t happen and the Village can decide to revoke. 

The Commission decided to provide another 6 months. If nothing develops in that time, will consider revocation. To be discussed again at the June 2012 Plan Commission meeting.

Zoning Ordinance Revisions – Still compiling with the consultants.

CVS – No plat at this time. Bankruptcy estate has been discharged. Someone bought all of the assets. Not sure if it includes this parcel.

417 S. Lincolnway – approved by the Board with several conditions. Nothing substantially changed from what the Plan Commission had approved. 

Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Duncan and seconded by Commissioner Rivecco. All in favor. Motion approved.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk

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