DECEMBER 1, 2020
Chairman Brackett called the meeting to order.
In attendance: Chairman Mike Brackett, Vice Chairperson Jennifer Duncan, Commissioners Aaron Anderson, Tom Lenkart, Doug Botkin and Connie Holbrook
Not in attendance: Commissioners Anna Tuohy, Mark Bozik
Staff in attendance: Village Administrator Steve Bosco, Community & Economic Development Director Mike Toth and Information Technology Manager Dave Arndt,
Also in attendance: Ed Boula, Village Legal Representation
1. Approval of Plan Commission Minutes dated October 6, 2020
Motion for approval made by Vice Chairperson Jennifer Duncan and seconded by Commissioner Anderson. All in favor. Motion approved.
1. Petition #20-08 (307 Banbury Road): The petitioner, Marcos Rodriguez, requests the following actions on the subject property located in the R-1 Single Family Residence District:
1) Special use to allow for the expansion of a Place of Worship
2) Site Plan Approval
Vice Chairperson Jennifer Duncan opened the public hearing. The petitioner then gave a presentation on the item. Caitlin Paloian, Rosanova & Whitaker, Ltd., provided background information on Chapelstreet Church. Paloian stated that Chapelstreet Church has over 850 members across four (4) different locations. The property consists of 3.19 acres and is located at 307 Banbury Road. The 6,090 sf building was formerly Cornerstone Community Baptist Church. In May 2020, the property was donated to Chapelstreet Church. Paloian stated that there is not enough adequate space for family engagement and children’s activities, which is why the petitioner is requesting approval for a 3,100 sf addition to the existing building as well as plans to renovate approximately 5,000 sf of the existing interior. Access will continue to be provided off of Banbury Road. In regards to parking, places of worship are required to provide one (1) parking space per four (4) seats. The proposed addition would accommodate 237 seats, which would require 60 parking spaces per code. There are currently 62 parking spaces and the petitioner intends on adding additional parking for a total of 68 spaces. Paloian stated that the proposed addition and renovations will facilitate a more modern approach to church operations. The 2,650 sf worship center will primarily be used on Sundays at 9:00 AM with a potential to add a second service at 10:30 AM. The 2,215 sf lobby will be used primarily for gathering before and after services. The renovations will also include a 384 sf area used for administrative offices. The proposed addition will primarily be used for worship educational spaces, including a large group room, nursery, and flex classrooms. The proposed addition will not exceed the height of the current building. It will be constructed with brick, concrete façade and shingled roof.
Community and Economic Development Director Mike Toth stated that the petitioner is requesting two (2) approvals including, a special use to allow for an expansion and site plan approval. Staff is recommending approval for both requests with the condition that a shade tree be added at the terminus of the eastern most parking spaces on the north and south side.
Nora Rodriguez, resident of North Aurora, asked for further explanation of the parking for the church. Paloian responded that there will be a total of 68 parking spaces. There will be no changes made to the rear parking area. Toth responded that there was an existing building there that burned down and the foundation still remains. The foundation will be removed during the construction of the addition.
Alexander Umemoto, resident of North Aurora, asked where the new trees will be planted. Toth responded that a shade tree will be added to the north and south of the eastern parking lot spaces. There will also be foundation plantings around the addition as well. Umemoto also asked about the HVAC on the north side of the building. Marcos Rodriguez, Aspen Group, responded that the mechanical units will be located on a slab with plantings around it for screening. It will look similar to the units on the west side, but with more screening.
Jennifer Duncan then closed the public portion of the hearing.
2. Petition #20-09 (161 S. Lincolnway): The petitioner, PharmaCann, LLC, requests a special use to allow for the expansion of an Adult-Use Cannabis Dispensing Organization in the B-3 Central Business District.
Vice Chairperson Jennifer Duncan reopened the public hearing. The petitioner then gave a presentation on the item. Katriina McGuire, Thompson Coburn LLP, stated that in December 2019 the Village approved adult use cannabis sales and commenced in January 2020. McGuire stated that PharmaCann has the opportunity to expand its current location at 161 S. Lincolnway and they are requesting approval for the proposed expansion. Bill McMenamy, Chief Revenue Officer of PharmaCann, stated that they have evolved their business into a reservation system to access the dispensary. Customers are able to shop online and make a reservation to pick up their products. Access is allowed in the dispensary five minutes before the reservation time and the transaction is cancelled if the customer does not arrive within an hour of their reservation. They have also automated their payment system to include more convenient options by using digital payments. These changes have allowed the dispensary to operate more efficiently.
McMenamy explained that they are not expanding for expansion purposes but rather to improve the experience. They plan on having ten (10) register stations which is a 40% increase of where they are today. This will move customers through the line much more quickly and also accommodate the needs of customers who require more time. The proposed expansion will also include an online order processing area since that is where most of the work is occurring. The footprint of the vault will also be expanded. The expanded space will include a break room and general manager office. Toth stated that PharmaCann did receive a special use approval in 2019 for recreational sales and the petitioner is seeking special use approval on the proposed expansion. Staff does recommend approval with three (3) conditions. There are dumpster corrals on site but the south facing façade does not have gates, which will need to be installed per the first condition. The second condition states that refuse should not accumulate so that it is visible outside or above the height of the enclosure. The third condition states that the property owner shall regularly monitor all on-site parking conditions to ensure adequate parking for all business tenants at all times.
There were no public comments. Jennifer Duncan then closed the public portion of the hearing.
1. Petition #20-08 (307 Banbury Road): The petitioner, Marcos Rodriguez, requests the following actions on the subject property located in the R-1 Single Family Residence District:
1) Special use to allow for the expansion of a Place of Worship
2) Site Plan Approval
Commissioner Holbrook stated that she did not have any questions.
Commissioner Botkin stated that he had no further questions.
Commissioner Anderson stated that he had no further questions.
Commissioner Tom Lenkart asked if anyone from the Village has reviewed the parking agreement between Schneider Elementary School and Chapelstreet Church. Paloian responded that there is currently an informal agreement between the two parties. The formal agreement is still being drafted and will be recorded once finalized. Schneider currently uses the church’s parking lot for pick up and drop off. The petitioner would like to reciprocate and use Schneider’s lot for overflow parking when necessary. This will be addressed in a formal agreement that can be shared with the Village. Toth responded that the site exceeds the parking requirement. Lenkart asked if there was a plan to open a school in the future since there are numerous classrooms. Paloian responded that there is no plan to open a school at this time. The classrooms are meant for children’s ministry ranging from all ages. Lenkart stated he had no further questions.
Chairman Mike Brackett stated he had no further questions.
Motion for approval of a special use to allow for the expansion of a Place of Worship with one condition, made by Commissioner Lenkart and seconded by Commissioner Botkin. Vote: Holbrook – Yes, Lenkart – Yes, Anderson – Yes, Duncan – Yes, Brackett – Yes, Botkin – Yes. Motion approved.
Motion for approval of the site plan made by Commissioner Lenkart and seconded by Commissioner Holbrook. Vote: Holbrook – Yes, Lenkart – Yes, Anderson – Yes, Duncan – Yes, Brackett – Yes, Botkin – Yes. Motion approved.
Vice Chairperson Jennifer Duncan then reopened the public hearing.
2. Petition #20-09 (161 S. Lincolnway): The petitioner, PharmaCann, LLC, requests a special use to allow for the expansion of an Adult-Use Cannabis Dispensing Organization in the B-3 Central Business District.
Chairman Brackett asked how the online ordering will affect customer walk-ins or if someone wants to add on to their online order. McMenamy responded that a customer can always add on to their order that has already been placed online. He stated that enough slack has been built into the system so they can pivot in just about any direction. They would prefer that customers use the app because it allows them to keep the menu as accurate as possible. Brackett asked if online customers can pay in cash. McMenamy responded that customers do pay in cash and it is still the number one payment method in the dispensary. Brackett asked if PharmaCann is still considering to move their location in the future. McMenamy responded that their goal is to improve the current footprint. Jeremy Unruh, Senior Vice President of Public and Regulatory Affairs of PharmaCann, stated that under the governor’s reading of the statute regarding relocation of medical dispensaries, an existing medical dispensary is not allowed to relocate to another location where adult-use cannabis will be sold. The governor is not approving any requests to relocate any existing medical use facilities at this time. Village Administrator Steve Bosco stated that the Village does monitor legislation that has an affect at a local level and the State will be discussing relocation of existing medical cannabis facilities in the near future. Brackett stated he is concerned about the parking monitoring and security of the facility once the expansion takes place. Toth responded that it was a condition of the original ordinance and parking monitoring is being implemented as a condition for this request as well. Brackett stated he had no further questions.
Commissioner Lenkart asked if the process for purchasing medical cannabis is the same as for recreational. McMenamy responded that the mechanism for purchasing is pretty similar. The recreational customer prefers to remain anonymous whereas the medical customer’s information is recorded with the state and their medical card has to be scanned at the reception area. A recreational customer must show their proper identification but their information does not get recorded with the state. Lenkart asked if they are required to have an appointment. McMenamy responded that medical customers are not required to have an appointment, but many of them do so they can conveniently shop ahead of time. Lenkart asked if there has been less traffic and issues with parking at the facility. Toth responded that he has not heard of any incidents or problems. Brackett stated that the parking is better and the monitoring seems to be working. Lenkart asked if the online reservation system was created more so because of COVID-19 or to eliminate the excess flow of customers. McMenamy responded that it was implemented solely to make the experience better. Lenkart stated he had no further questions.
Commissioner Anderson asked how many existing registers they currently have. McMenamy responded that they currently have six (6) registers and with COVID-19 requirements, they only operate four (4). Anderson asked if they are increasing the reception area square footage and how much of an increase are they proposing for the sales floor area. McMenamy responded that they are repurposing the sales floor to move around the registers in a lineal fashion. The reception area will remain pretty similar to how it is today. Anderson asked if the primary purpose of the expansion is to move people in and out at a faster rate. McMenamy responded that the purpose is to provide a better experience through a faster and more efficient transaction for the customer. This will allow the dispensary to accommodate more transactions on a daily basis. Anderson stated that he thinks it will bring more bodies into the actual sales floor of the dispensary, which he does not understand how that makes for a better experience. McMenamy responded that transactions can be handled more quickly with the online orders and reservations. A system similar to the one being proposed was already implemented at the Romeoville location and it has proven to be successful. Anderson stated he had no other questions.
Commissioner Botkin asked if a recreational customer can still purchase from the dispensary without an online order or reservation. McMenamy stated that the staff would redirect the customer back to the reservation system and educate them on how it works so they can purchase their product that way. Their staff is always available to answer any questions or walk the customer through the process. Botkin stated he had no further questions.
Commissioner Holbrook stated she had no further questions.
Motion for approval of a special use to allow for the expansion of an Adult-Use Cannabis Dispensing Organization with three (3) conditions, made by Commissioner Anderson and seconded by Commissioner Lenkart. Vote: Holbrook – Yes, Lenkart – Yes, Anderson – Yes, Duncan – Yes, Brackett – Yes, Botkin – Yes. Motion approved.
Commissioner Botkin asked if Blue Agave restaurant was currently open. Toth responded that he was unsure of their COVID-19 hours of operation. Botkin stated he drove by recently one evening and it was closed. Bosco responded that they went to the Village Board for liquor license approval recently. Botkin stated he called the restaurant and it just rang. Brackett stated that Hammer & Stain closed down in the same shopping center.
Toth stated that the developer for Forest Ridge Townhomes is still working on the site plan and has not gone back to Village Board yet. At Orchard Commons, Fortunata and the micro-brewery have been approved by Village Board.
Toth announced that as of now, there will be a Plan Commission Meeting in January, which will include the Valley Green Golf Course development. Brackett asked if it included the Slaker property. Toth responded that as of right now the development includes the Valley Green Golf Course and part of the Euclid property. Holbrook asked if North Aurora really needs more warehouses. Toth responded that 70% of the inquiries he gets are about potential warehouses. The comprehensive plan does show that area as office / industrial. Lenkart stated that warehouses fill up quite quickly so the use is in demand. Toth stated that the golf course is currently in the Route 31 TIF District, so there is appreciable amount of potential once the properties are built and assessed. Bosco stated that industrial buildings benefit the school districts because they pay a significant amount of property taxes to the school district.
Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Lenkart. All in favor. Motion approved.
Respectfully Submitted,
Natalie Stevens
Deputy Village Clerk