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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

Plan Commission Minutes

NOVEMBER 5, 2019

In attendance: Commissioners Jennifer Duncan, Anna Touhy, Aaron Anderson, Tom Lenkart, Mark Bozik and Doug Botkin.

Not in attendance: Chairman Mike Brackett and Commissioners Connie Holbrook and Mark Rivecco.

Staff in attendance: Village Administrator Steve Bosco and Community & Economic Development Director Mike Toth.

1. Approval of Plan Commission Minutes dated October 1, 2019
Motion for approval made by Commissioner Bozik and seconded by Commissioner Botkin. All in favor. Motion approved.

1. Petition #19-08 (161 S. Lincolnway) The petitioner, PharmaCann, LLC, requests a
Special Use to allow an Adult-Use Cannabis Dispensing Organization (Recreational Cannabis Dispensary) in the B-3 Central Business District
Commissioner Duncan opened the public hearing. There were no audience comments or questions. Commissioner Duncan then closed the public hearing.

1. Petition #19-08 (161 S. Lincolnway) The petitioner, PharmaCann, LLC, requests a
Special Use to allow an Adult-Use Cannabis Dispensing Organization (Recreational Cannabis Dispensary) in the B-3 Central Business District.
Mike Toth stated that the village board approved this at their meeting on October 21st. The Adult-Use Cannabis Dispensing Organizations and dispensaries was approved as a special use in all non-residential zoning districts. The miscellaneous uses, transportation and diffusing businesses were categorized as a special use in the I2 district. There were some additions to chapter 11 which are the use standards. The board capped the number of dispensaries to 2 in the Village of North Aurora. They did add the 1000-foot buffer to schools, parks, day cares and concurred with the onsite consumption prohibition and memorialized the 1500-foot separation. The petition before the commission is for PharmaCann to sell adult-use cannabis and maintain their medical use dispensary. The hours being proposed by the petitioner would be 9 am – 9 pm Monday through Saturday and 10 am to 6 pm on Sunday. The biggest user of the facility, the VA Clinic is open Monday through Friday 8 – 4:30 and closed on weekends. Toth said staff recommends approval along with 6 conditions listed in the staff report.

Katriina McGuire of Thompson Coburn (representing PharmaCann) addressed the commission and thanked Steve Bosco and Mike Toth for their assistance throughout this process. McGuire noted that as far as the conditions being recommended by Staff, the petitioner concurs.

Matt Levine and Clay Winn from PharmaCann were also present. They were present to answer any questions regarding the transition from medical to adult use.

Parking: Over 130 parking sites which will be more than adequate for the business. North Aurora Police or an independent firm will assist with crowd control. Security personnel will be on hand when the business opens to help with traffic flow and customer flow. The petitioner is talking to the property across the street at 150 S. Lincolnway regarding using their site as an option for parking if needed.

Commissioner Bozik asked if the petitioner plans on expanding the current 1800 s.f. location. Levine said that they are redesigning the current space but it will still be the same footprint. Bozik asked if this will be a permanent site for the adult use cannabis sales. Levine said they are hoping that this will be temporary and have alternative plans.

Commissioner Duncan asked if the petitioner is required to keep the medical and adult use sales separate. Levine said yes and that there will be a separate point of sale for each. There will also be a separate POS for on-line ordering.

Motion for approval made by Commissioner Bozik and seconded by Commissioner Botkin to accept a special use in the B3 Central Business District for the Adult-Use Cannabis dispensing subject to the conditions set forth by staff. Roll Call Vote: Commissioner Touhy – yes, Commissioner Anderson – yes, Commissioner Lenkart – yes, Commissioner Duncan – yes, Commissioner Bozik – yes, Commissioner Botkin – yes. Motion approved (6-0).


Mike Toth reported on the following:

-The village recently issued a permit to the UFC Gym by Town Center.

-American Eagle Bank has submitted a building permit for a location at Oak and Orchard roads.

-Randall Café has applied for a liquor license.

-Chipmunk Brewery is moving forward and has submitted buildout plans.

-The village is moving forward with the silo project. The village has hired a contract manager and has direction from the board.

-The village is working with the IDNR and the Fox Valley Park District on dam removal and got direction from the Board to move forward with an intergovernmental agreement.

Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Lenkart and seconded by Commissioner Anderson. All in favor. Motion approved.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk

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