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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

Development Committee Minutes



Trustee Guethle called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.


Committee Members in attendance: Trustee Laura Curtis, Trustee Mark Guethle; Trustee Mark Gaffino
Staff in attendance: Bill Hannah, Pete Iosue, David Summer

Motion made by Trustee Curtis and seconded by Trustee Guethle to approve the September 19, 2012 Development Committee Minutes. All in Favor – Motion Approved



Pete Iosue noted that before Scott Buening resigned, he sent out applications for TIF Grant Applications and two were received. Staff reviewed the applications, one for A&W 113 S. Lincolnway to do repairs and sealing and restriping parking lot. The second is Interlate Systems at 145 S. Lincolnway, a translation business, requesting assistance for general façade improvements, windows/doors, painting, awnings, and landscaping. Mr. Iosue passed pictures of both locations. 145 S. Lincolnway did not include estimates for all proposed work, and Mr. Iosue stated that additional landscaping quotes have been received in the interim, and those were distributed to the Committee.

Trustee Gaffino inquired about a landscape plan for 145 S. Lincolnway. Mr. Iosue noted that there was no plan provided, but the landscape area in question is very small and a full blown landscape plan should not be necessary. It would basically just involve replacement of existing bushes in the front of the business.

Mr. Iosue explained that the grant program would allow for the Village to reimburse 50% of eligible costs. The applications were reviewed by staff and all the requested work is eligible per the grant guidelines, for both applications. There was discussion of how the grant process would work, and Trustee Guethle explained that the Village would typically set a maximum amount, and reimburse eligible costs up to that maximum.

Mr. Iosue explained that the grant procedure required that staff review the applications, and present them to the Development Committee, and a recommendation to the full Village Board should follow. He then asked for comments from the Committee.

Trustee Curtis expressed disappointment that more businesses didn’t apply, and asked if there was anything the Village could do to get more interest. Mr. Iosue explained that a letter was sent to every business within the TIF. Trustee Guethle suggested that the Trustees could make individual contact with business owners to explain the program. Mr. Iosue noted that some businesses did contact the Village but had missed the deadline.

Trustee Curtis asked if there was a way to limit what types of businesses could get TIF assistance. Mr. Iosue noted that review should be based more on if the costs are eligible and not on what type of business. Trustee Guethle and Trustee Gaffino suggested asking the Village Attorney about the issue. Mr. Iosue stated that a better focus would be to review applications based on if the project meets the goals stated in the TIF plan.

Trustee Gaffino asked about additional estimates to protect the Village and ensure projected costs are reasonable. Mr. stated that more estimates are better. Trustee Guethle asked how much money the applicants were requesting – $2,900 for A&W and $5,000 for Interlate Systems.

Mr. Hannah stated that about 15 businesses have already received TIF grant assistance in the past, so that may be a reason why more applications have not been received.

Trustee Guethle, Trustee Gaffino and Trustee Curtis all agreed that they would recommend approval of TIF grant assistance to both of the businesses.

Mr. Summer requested clarification on dollar amounts and suggested the Committee agree to provide 50% assistance up to a set dollar amount cap. Mr. Hannah provided additional information regarding previous grant caps and the Village typically capped amounts at $20,000, but suggested the caps be set at the amount requested in each application regardless if actual costs go higher. The Committee agreed with this approach.

Mr. Gaffino expressed concern about the limited number of estimates and requested staff attempt to get more estimates from the applicants. Mr. Iosue responded that he would attempt to get additional estimates.





Trustee Gaffino made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Trustee Guethle

All in Favor – Motion Approved

Meeting was adjourned at 8:50 a.m.

Respectfully submitted

Cindy Torraco
Executive Assistant

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