NOVEMBER 19, 2018
Trustee Mark Gaffino called the meeting to order.
In attendance: Mayor Dale Berman, Trustee Tao Martinez, Trustee Mark Gaffino, Village Administrator Steve Bosco, Public Works Director John Laskowski, Trustee Mark Guethle (arrived at 6:10).
1. Approval of Service Committee Minutes dated October 20, 2018
Motion for approval made by Trustee Gaffino and seconded by Trustee Martinez. All in favor. Motion approved.
1. Upcoming Road Program Presentation
Public Works Director John Laskowski stated that last year the Village had a pavement condition index (PCI) study done. In that study, a truck drove through town and measured the different stresses on the pavements. It produced a pavement index for each street throughout the road network. Each PCI corresponds to a group which corresponds to a maintenance strategy. The higher the number on the pavement index correlates to a better conditioned street.
Laskowski said that the streets that have been reviewed for maintenance have landed in the poor, very poor and serious categories. Staff has also looked ahead and begun to see how the report can be used long term. Maintenance would get performed annually and a reassessment would be done after a year goes by.
There are 6 areas throughout town that are candidates for maintenance. The first 3 would be scheduled within the first 3 years. Areas 4, 5 and 6 may change rank over time.
After bidding and figuring out who the contractor will be, will start the road resurfacing, sidewalk removal and replacement, curb and gutter removal and replacement and storm sewer repairs. Restoration then occurs.
The annual road program will also include a patching program. The purpose of this is that we recognize that while we are spending time in one particular area, other areas will still need attention. The village may target area 1 for a full brown maintenance program but areas 2 and 3 may still need to be patched in order to make it through the winter.
Once the streets sit, they may have cracks that need to be taken care of. Preventative maintenance will be done with crack filling to keep the water from getting into the pavement and keeping the base strong and dry. Pavement striping will be done every couple of years.
(Trustee Guethle arrived)
The 2019 Road Program area was selected based on its PCI score. It had a median score of 39 which fell into the very poor category. Laskowski said it is a good candidate since it is a continuation of this year’s road program. The village addressed White Oak and north of Orchard in the Patterson/Wilkerson neighborhood. This year would like to finish the streets in that area. The following 4 or 5 years will focus on the east side.
Bosco said that in a given year the village’s capital revenues are about 1.7 million dollars that go towards the road program. The village has come up with a goal to identify two years out what roads need to be done. Then will look at the next 4, 5 and 6 years. The village is continuously redoing this and every 3 to 5 years the PCI study will be redone. By doing this, the village is finding that we are more accurately budgeting a more spread out program.
Bosco said that our road program used to include a 4-inch overlay. To save some money, the village can put a 2-inch overlay on the good conditioned roads where other roads that are in worse condition get 4-inch overlays.
Motion to adjourn made by Mayor Berman and seconded by Trustee Guethle. All in favor. Motion approved.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk