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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

Committee of the Whole Minutes

NOVEMBER 15, 2010

Mayor Berman called the meeting to order.

In attendance: Mayor Dale Berman, Trustee Mike Herlihy, Trustee Chris Faber, Trustee Mark Guethle, Trustee Bob Strusz, Trustee Mark Gaffino, Village Clerk Lori Murray.

Staff in attendance: Village Attorney Kevin Drendel, Water Superintendent Paul Young, Public Works Superintendent Mike Glock, Police Chief Tom Fetzer, Chief Administrative Office Wes Kornowske, Finance Director Bill Hannah, Community Development Director Scott Buening.



1. Discussion on Waste Hauler Proposals
Waste Management provided the lowest price sticker of all waste haulers. Staff recommended the Village enter into a contract with Waste Management for a one-day-a-week pickup. An alternate bid was provided which would provide a free 64-gallon recycling tote to every resident. There would be an option for a 35-gallon tote for senior citizens who request them. The alternate bid package would raise the sticker price by 18 cents and would push the contract to a five-year contract instead of four.

Trustee Faber said he did not like the option of a 35-gallon tote only for the elderly. The representative from Waste Management said they did not like using the 35-gallon tote since they fall over easy and pizza boxes get stuck in them. The 64-gallon is standard for communities.

The trustees were in agreement to move forward with the alternate bid.

2. Discussion on Village Hall Renovation Design Development Plan Set and Cost Estimate
The Village Board decided to move forward with construction documents.

3. Discussion on a 2011 Kane County Riverboat Application for the “Water Wonders: Rooftop to Interactive Stream” project as proposed by NOARDA
Water Wonders is a 125-foot interactive stream with shallow pools for wading and tunnels for climbing. The system will harvest rainwater from the roof. There is a 4000 gallon cistern which will use a water filtration system, native plantings and education programs planned.

NOARDA said they would like the Resolution to be voted on at the Dec. 6th Village Meeting and approved by the Park District. The Board was in favor of moving forward. New Business.

4. Discussion on an IEPA – Illinois Green Infrastructure Grant Application for the Water Wonders: Rooftop to Interactive Stream” project as proposed by NOARDA
The grant has a 25% local match to be covered by NOARDA. There were no questions by Board. Board agreed to move forward with the project.

5. Discussion on a Resolution Authorizing Application for Kane County Riverboat Funds and Execution of all Necessary Documents – Village Hall Energy Efficiency Retrofit Project
There were no questions by the Board. Board agreed to move forward.

6. Discussion on Riverview/Oakwood Rezoning
Suggestion by Staff to rezone on Riverview Street and Oakwood Drive from B3 to R2A or ER Estate Zoning. This was reviewed by the Development Committee and Plan Commission. The Committee did not have objections to the ER Zoning, but was not in favor of B3 to R2A zoning due to development in the area. Staff suggested moving forward with ER and R2A. Staff added that they did not have objections to retaining B3 zoning on several properties that are quasi commercial district.

Trustee Herlihy asked about the current zoning of property along Riverview. Scott Buening said they are zoned B3. Buening noted that all properties along Riverview that are zoned B3 are currently legal non-comforming. Herlihy said that the properties could not meet the setbacks of an ER zoning.

Mr. McAtee, 12 Riverview, North Aurora, IL – Mr. McAtee suggested the Riverview properties be zoned commercial. McAtee noted that the Plan Commission also felt the same way.

Trustee Faber said that ER zoning made sense but was not sure the Village would be gaining anything by going B3 to R2A.

Herlihy asked if there has been any opposition to those properties which would become ER. Buening said he had not heard of any opposition.

After further discussion, the Board decided to keep the properties as is for now and discuss the matter further at a future date.

7. Discussion on the 2011 Village Board, Committee of the Whole, and Plan Commission Meeting Schedules
No changes suggested to the proposed schedule.

8. Discussion on the 2011 Meeting Schedules for the Public Safety, Finance, Public Facilities, Development, and North Aurora Days Committees
No changes suggested to the proposed schedule.


EXECUTIVE SESSION – Herlihy. Guethle. All in favor.
1. Labor Negotiations
2. Pending Litigation

Motion made by Trustee Herlihy and seconded by Trustee Guethle to adjourn to Executive Session for the purpose of Labor Negotiations and Pending Litigation. All in favor. Motion approved.

(return from Executive Session)

Motion for adjournment made by Trustee Gaffino and seconded by Trustee Guethle. All in favor. Motion approved.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk

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