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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

Committee of the Whole Minutes

OCTOBER 15, 2012

CALL TO ORDER – 7:00 pm
Mayor Berman called the meeting to order.

In attendance: Mayor Dale Berman, Trustee Chris Faber, Trustee Ryan Lambert, Trustee Mark Guethle, Trustee Mark Gaffino, Trustee Laura Curtis, Trustee Vince Mancini, Village Clerk Lori Murray.

Staff in attendance: Interim Village Administrator and Chief of Police Dave Summer, Finance Director Bill Hannah, Water Superintendent Paul Young, Public Works Superintendent Mike Glock, Village Attorney Kevin Drendel, Pete Iosue of Teska Associates, Jim Bibby of Rempe-Sharpe.

Jeff Mack, 123 Dee Road, North Aurora, IL (owner of the 4-unit property on Dee Road) – Mr. Mack said that the letter that was sent to neighbors was not meant to be a threat and apologized if it was construed as such. Mack said that he wanted to express views of the zoning proposal and did state some negative consequences of a non-conforming property.

Mack said that the main concern of the neighbors was that the building would be zoned R4. Mack said that the cost to buy the six properties being considered for rezoning would be $1.2 million. Mack said he had hired someone to look at the property and they concluded that the best use would be to keep it as it is currently zoned.

Mack thanked Staff, Nancy Garrity, Cindy Torraco and Pete Iosue for all of their help with the zoning issues.


1. Discussion on Rezoning Sections of Dee Road
The request for rezoning was initiated by the Village and came up as the Village was updating the Zoning Ordinance. At that time, former Community Development Director Scott Buening identified some areas that were non-conforming, such as the six (6) properties on Dee Road. They are all zoned single family. One is zoned R1 and the rest are zoned R2. The Village looked at the neighborhood as a whole and suggested they be rezoned to R4. This came before the Plan Commission a month ago and they recommended not rezoning the property. The Plan Commission was concerned with spot zoning. Trustee Mancini asked why they were against spot zoning. Atty. Drendel noted that spot zoning is frowned upon. Mancini said that we know we don’t want to spot zone but we know this is a special situation and spot zoning is the only solution that provides security for the neighbors and the property owners.
Trustee Gaffino said he sympathizes with the three units that are multifamily but do not agree with changing the zoning for the other properties. Gaffino agreed with Mancini since this is an unusual circumstance.

Atty. Drendel said he would research the problem with spot zoning and bring the information back to the Board.

Trustee Lambert said that the worst case scenario would be a four-story building, but that would not be likely since there is not enough land to accommodate the required parking.

Trustee Curtis said she did not see a problem with the spot zoning in this particular case.

2. Discussion on Phasing Smoketree Lane
Jim Bibby of Rempe-Sharpe said that Smoketree Lane is in need of significant paving and storm sewer repairs.

Easements were not acquired from the property owners (bowling alley and Tinseltown). Bibby said the bowling alley is now owned by Brian Dolan and he would probably be willing to provide the easement if there can be a sharp right turn rather than the sweeping turn that is currently in place. The Village is planning to reconstruct Evergreen Drive north of Sullivan Road as part of the 2013 Street program. Bibby proposed the Board consider reconstructing the most important part of the area (highlighted green section of the map provided) and to get it done as a TIF funded project, with the easterly portion as a future project when the easements can be resolved with the owners to the east. If the bowling alley says they endorse the property but does not want the realignment, the cost would drop dramatically. The important part of the project is the area that does not drain properly and needs pavements reconstructed. The westerly part of the project needs to be done first with the use of TIF funds.

Hannah said the Village will be able to fund the westerly portion of the project with TIF funding There would still be approximately $400,000-$500,000 left in TIF funds for other initiatives as they arise.

Trustee Mancini asked how much traffic would go eastbound from the green section noted on the drawing to the bowling alley.

Trustee Gaffino asked if the green and blue highlighted sections would be constructed for semi-truck capability. Bibby said that the green section is fully designed for semis. There is a little bit of a raised median and that will have to be milled down and reconstructed. There will be further reconstruction at that turn which is relatively minor but would definitely make it passable for standard wheel trucks.

Trustee Mancini asked about the condition of the road that would not be done and is not covered under the TIF proposal. Bibby said there are some drainage repairs that would need to be a part of this project.

Mayor Berman said the question is if this is a good use of TIF money. Berman said yes and the rest of the Village Board agreed.

Motion made by Trustee Guethle and seconded by Trustee Gaffino to adjourn to executive session to discuss pending litigation. All in favor. Motion approved.

(return from executive session)

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Guethle and seconded by Trustee Gaffino. All in favor. Motion approved.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk

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