JANUARY 6, 2015
Chairman Brackett called the meeting to order.
In attendance: Chairman Mike Brackett, Co-Chairman Jennifer Duncan, Commissioners Mark Rivecco, Anna Touhy, Aaron Anderson, Tom Lenkart, Connie Holbrook and Doug Botkin. Not in attendance: Commissioner Mark Bozik.
Staff in attendance: Community & Economic Development Director Mike Toth, Village Clerk Lori Murray.
1. Approval of Plan Commission Minutes dated October 7, 2014
Motion for approval made by Commissioner Duncan and seconded by Commissioner Touhy. All in favor. Motion approved.
1. Village Staff would like to solicit feedback from the Plan Commission regarding
text amendments involving Tattoo Parlors.
Mike Toth noted a staff report which outlined the history of tattoo parlors in North Aurora. This was a use in the B-2 District as of 2006 and is now a special use in the I1 & I2 Districts.
Toth asked the Plan Commission about their thoughts for allowing tattoo parlors in the B-2 District. Toth added that it could be allowed as a permitted use as there plenty of oversight from the Village through the licensing provisions, which require certificates of insurance, a doctor on call, hours of operation, background check and required STD testing for operators. The tattoo parlors would also be subject to State regulations (Tattoo and Body Piercing Establishment Registration Act).
Commissioners Duncan said she did not feel this was a good use for Route 31.
(Commissioner Lenkart arrived at 7:10 p.m.)
Commissioner Holbrook said she did not like the idea of tattoo parlors in the B-2 District as a permitted use and did not want to see them near residential.
Commissioner Anderson said he did not have a problem with tattoo parlors, adding that it is already a heavily regulated industry.
Commissioner Touhy asked about the disposal practices of the tattoo parlors and how they are regulated. Toth said that there are very detailed guidelines. Local tattoo artist Ramiro Guillen who was in attendance at the meeting explained that they have a company that would pick up the used needles. Hospitals also help in the disposal of the hazardous waste.
Touhy inquired about the age for a person wanting a tattoo. Ramiro said it would be available for anyone 18 years of age and older, which is state law. Piercings can be done for those who are under 18 with the consent of a guardian.
Commissioner Rivecco said he agreed with a special use in the B-2 District and would also approve permitted use in the I-1 & I-2 Districts. Rivecco said he would like to see the penalty fee increased and the ordinance to include wording to deter loitering.
Commissioner Botkin agreed with tattoo parlors being a permitted use in I Districts and a special use in B-2 Districts, but could also support it as a permitted use in the B-2 District since licensing requirements are quite rigorous.
Ramiro noted that no person under the age of 18 can be tattooed unless accompanied by a parent and the business would take a copy of both ID’s.
After further discussion, the Plan Commission was in agreement to move forward with tattoo parlors being permitted in B-2 District & I-1 & I-2 Districts with additional licensing requirements being applied (wording to address loitering, fines, parent consent).
Toth said he would come back to the next meeting with a text amendment. Licensing provisions would go to the Village Board.
Homes for a Changing Region report – Provides information on regional goals, local goals specific to North Aurora, transitional land uses, transit oriented development on Orchard Road, licensing for rental properties and code enforcement for foreclosures. Toth noted that this information will be included in the new Comprehensive Plan.
Dam removal – the Village is looking at the possibility of removing the North Aurora Dam. The dam is owned by the IDNR and maintained by the FVPD. A half million dollars would be provided by the State for engineering of the project. The reason for removal of the dam is to restore the river to its original habitat. Removal of the dam will shrink the shorelines which will increase river flow resulting in more fish species as well as more ability for recreation.
Demolition of the Activity Center – the Village has removed the underground storage tank from the site and has begun asbestos removal. Demolition of the center should be completed by April.
Orchard Commons Development – Parker Grabowski, owner of the Turf Room, has purchased the Orchard Commons Development. He plans to build an indoor/outdoor pub where brewing will be done inside the building with plans to move the brewing to another part of the site and increase the seating for the brew pub. A bank development is also being discussed on the southeast corner of the development.
Bull Dog Ale House – This 35 table restaurant will be located at the old Mother’s restaurant location on Randall Road. It will have an extensive menu and a 48 beer tap bar.
Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lenkart and seconded by Trustee Duncan. All in favor. Motion approved.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk