JANUARY 15, 2018
Trustee Gaffino called the meeting to order.
In attendance: Mayor Dale Berman, Trustee Tao Martinez, Trustee Mark Gaffino, Trustee Mike Lowery, Village Administrator Steve Bosco, Finance Director Bill Hannah and Public Works Director John Laskowski.
1. Approval of Minutes from the Public Facilities Committee Meeting of July 13, 2015
Motion for approval made by Trustee Lowery and seconded by Trustee Martinez. All in favor. Motion approved.
2. Approval of Minutes from the Public Safety Committee Meeting of November 6, 2017
Motion for approval made by Trustee Lowery and seconded by Trustee Martinez. All in favor. Motion approved.
1. Summerwind Subdivision Parking
The Village Board will vote tonight to install two new stop signs and create turn lanes in the Summerwind Subdivision. The third item that will be discussed is the painting of specific parking spaces. The HOA for the subdivision would like to have specific parking spaces on the street to create more efficient parking. The marked spaces would be 21 feet per code. Staff’s issue with this is that it will reduce the amount of parking spots by ten. Currently, 78 cars can fit, bumper to bumper, on the street. Staff found that the no parking signs could be removed to accommodate nine cars. Staff will ask the Board to approve the removal of the no parking signs. The HOA was informed that the Village would not move forward yet with striping but would create 8 or 9 spots at the front of the subdivision.
The committee was in favor of removing the current No Parking signs.
2. Pavement Conditioning Index Presentation
John Laskowski stated that the Pavement Conditioning Index would provide an objective look at the road network for the Village. The study looks at every street in town and assigns it an index number. A list of roads would be provided, showing those that are considered the very worst to the very best. The list then helps the Village plan which roads will need maintenance in the future.
The assessment also looks at all types of distresses on the roadway and would provide information as to whether a road requires crack filling, a local patch, micro-surfacing or something greater.
Historically, the Village of North Aurora has done a good job in maintaining the roads. From this point forward, the Village would not simply look at the age of the roads, but also the condition of the roads.
In 2000, IDOT changed the way the Village was using the mix materials for the asphalt. The State mandated the use of recycled asphalt material into the road pavement instead only aggregate stone. This suggests that the new mixes are not holding up as well. Going forward, the roads may need more frequent maintenance.
Trustee Lowery questioned the validity of the assessment map and referenced the condition of Pinecreek Drive. John Laskowski said the techniques have been around for 10-15 years and are reasonably accurate. Once the report came in, John Laskowski and Steve Bosco drove the roads to see how they compared to the map. Bosco said that Pinecreek Drive was one of the first roads they drove and that White Oak was the only road that failed in the community. Bosco noted that Pinecreek Drive might have had some patching done and that could have affected the validity. Bosco said that he has a more detailed breakdown of the report, by road, which he could share with Trustee Lowery.
Trustee Martinez suggested reviewing the plow blades that are used during winters in order to make sure the roads are not damaged and therefore require less maintenance.
Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lowery and seconded by Trustee Martinez. All in favor. Motion approved.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk