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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

Special Committee of the Whole Minutes

JULY 30, 2012

Mayor Berman called the meeting to order.

In attendance: Mayor Dale Berman, Trustee Chris Faber, Trustee Ryan Lambert, Trustee Mark Guethle, Trustee Mark Gaffino, Trustee Laura Curtis, Village Clerk Lori Murray. Not in attendance: Trustee Vince Mancini.

Staff in attendance: Police Chief Dave Summer, Village Atty. Kevin Drendel, Village Administrator Wes Kornowske, Finance Director Bill Hannah, Community Development Director Scott Buening.


1. Discussion on New Zoning Ordinance
Community Development Director Scott Buening informed the Board that a lot of time and effort has been spent developing the new zoning ordinance over the past few years by Camiros, Village staff, Atty. Drendel and the Zoning Commission. The plan, once adopted, is to have it effective around January 1st so that it gives time to let people know the zoning ordinance is in place and also allows a couple of rezonings since there are a couple of zoning changes that are being proposed.

Representatives from Camiros gave a presentation to the Board of the new zoning ordinance.

Buening said that they have done an extensive amount of work with the consultant and reviewed the ordinance page by page. Buening asked for direction by the Board on issues they may have as well as concerns or questions.

Trustee Curtis asked if the changes would have any effect on some of the developments the village has had issues with in terms of public improvements that have not been completed. Buening said the changes would not have an effect and will just be a prospective for future developments.

Atty. Drendel said that there are two developments out west that have been annexed and may come into the Village without immediate development and are subject to the PUD process. Buening said that there are a couple of pending annexation agreements. Most are ones the Village is looking at where the Village is approving the annexation agreement and then coming back at a later date and adopting a pud and zoning change once the development is annexed into the Village.

Trustee Faber asked if the change in districts and parking restrictions should be discussed. Buening said that the zoning district changes have not been substantive and most were just reformatted. There are some changes to the use list such as the uses that were adopted in the B1/B2 changes a few years ago. There were also some changes to the I2 district and elimination of the I3 district. In the ER district, agricultural use was added. Some of the uses added were those which were not covered in the zoning ordinance, such as group homes. In terms of parking, the changes were relatively substantive changes since the way the ordinance is written now, it is very hard to determine how much parking is required. Parking has now been changed from employee based to square footage and seat based.

There were no suggested changes to the zoning ordinance. The ordinance will be on the agenda at the next Village Board meeting for adoption.


Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Guethle and seconded by Trustee Curtis. All in favor. Motion approved.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk

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