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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

Committee of the Whole Minutes

April 2, 2012

Mayor Berman called the meeting to order.

In attendance: Mayor Dale Berman, Trustee Chris Faber, Trustee Ryan Lambert, Trustee Mark Guethle, Trustee Mark Gaffino, Trustee Laura Curtis, Trustee Vince Mancini, Village Clerk Lori Murray.

Staff in attendance: Village Administrator Wes Kornowske, Finance Director Bill Hannah, Community Development Director Scott Buening, Village Attorney Kevin Drendel, Water Superintendent Paul Young, Public Works Superintendent Mike Glock, Police Chief Dave Summer.


1. Discussion on Route 31 TIF Grant Program Revisions
Village Administrator Wes Kornowske and Community Development Director Scott Buening are working on trying to formalize the TIF grant procedures. Currently there is a rolling application period and throughout the year there is not a grant deadline. None of the grants are forced to compete against each other to find out which grant is best suited for the resources the Village can provide. Kornowske said the Village is looking at increasing the awareness by sending out marketing material regarding the grant program, setting an application open period for the grant program, setting up an informational meeting at Village Hall to discuss the grant program amongst other redevelopment type programs for the TIF, and closing the application period in late September so that when there are a group of applications, the Village can priority rank them and fund them based on competitiveness rather than just meeting the program guidelines. The Village has increased the budget for the program from $60,000 to $100,000 and have increased the percentage share for most of the grants from 20% to 50% to try and encourage more applications for substantial improvements. The Village has also set a new criteria for signage. The Development Committee wants more aggressive incentives for people on Route 31 to upgrade their signage to meet the Village’s current sign ordinance. That amount is set up at $10,000 with no percentage match. Kornowske recommended moving forward and opening up the application period in June and closing it in late September. Grant award notifications would be done in December so that people can begin their work in Spring of 2013.

Trustee Faber said that if someone wants to make an improvement, they could be forced to wait a long period of time if they just missed the deadline. Kornowske said that is definitely a concern and the reason for increasing the marketing materials. Trustee Curtis asked if the deadline should be looked at and suggested maybe approval in the spring. Kornowske said that the Village is looking at getting the marketing materials out right now. Curtis said the brochure and organization was very well done. Trustee Mancini said there has been a lot of momentum on Route 31 lately and this is a good way to keep it going. Only instinct on the signs is that people will spend more money on their building and façade before they will improve their sign unless they have to.

Kornowske said he would bring a resolution to the next Board meeting.

2. Overview of the Village Draft Budget FY 2012-13
Finance Director Bill Hannah gave a presentation of the Draft Budget for fiscal year 2012-13 to the Village Board.

Factors influencing budget development for this year – continued economic growth over the past several quarters and increases in some of the major revenues such as sales tax and income tax. Unemployment remains high and have not seen real estate market recovery. Having a balanced budget was very important this year and the Village has a well balanced budget. The Village has $18.3 million in revenues and $18.6 million in expenditures.

Three major funds are:
General Fund – $9.1 million in revenues and expenditures
Capital Projects Fund – $2.1 million in revenues and expenditures
Water Fund – $2.5 million in revenues and $2.6 million in expenditures

Summary of major revenues:
2% decrease in property tax revenue for next year due to decrease in TIF increment.
Regular property taxes are increasing 1.9%.
Projecting increase in sales tax revenue about 4.8% ($180,000). Non homerule sales tax to increase 2% ($20,000).

Water Fund will have an increase of 1.1% next year. No water rate increase planned for the budget next year.

13% decrease in capital expenditures.
Debt Service expenditures remaining at $1.9 million.

Personnel – budget includes a 2% adjustment to the pay schedule for non-union employees and 1-1/2% for department heads. 53% of the employees are eligible for step increases next year. No change to full or part time staffing levels. Staffing levels are about 8% less than they were in 2009.

Budgeting a 25% increase in health insurance costs.

We are at 65% funding level for the police pension fund. Anticipate being at that level for the next few years.

Hannah said there will be continued discussion at the April 16th meeting. Public hearing will be held on May 7th and scheduled approval of the budget is set for May 21st.

Motion made by Trustee Mancini and seconded by Trustee Gaffino to adjourn to executive session to discuss labor negotiations and personnel. All in favor. Motion approved.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk

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