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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

Committee of the Whole Minutes

SEPTEMBER 19, 2011

Mayor Berman called the meeting to order.

In attendance: Mayor Dale Berman, Trustee Chris Faber, Trustee Mark Guethle, Trustee Mark Gaffino, Trustee Laura Curtis, Trustee Vince Mancini, Village Clerk Lori Murray. Not in attendance: Trustee Ryan Lambert.

Staff in attendance: Police Chief Dave Summer, Public Works Superintendent Mike Glock, Water Superintendent Paul Young, Finance Director Bill Hannah, Community Development Director Scott Buening, Village Administrator Wes Kornowske, Village Atty. Kevin Drendel, Pet Iosue of Teska Associates.


1. Discussion on proposed North Lincolnway TIF District.
Pete Iosue of Teska addressed the Board regarding the proposed North Lincolnway TIF District. There are 43 parcels and 39 buildings within the district and the total area is comprised of 26 acres. Iosue said this TIF is slightly different than past TIFs because there were some residential units within the district. If any of the residents need to be relocated, there would have to be a comparable area to move to within the Village. The TIF requires that all structures be 35 years of age or older and that 3 of the 13 TIF criteria in the TIF statute be met. Some of the criteria for this area which were met included: deterioration of surfaces, lack of planning, lack of utilities and decline in assessed value. There is no specific development planned at this time for residential. Trustee Curtis asked about density. Scott Buening said that density would be 6-12 dwelling units per acre.

Buening said he would like to have the Village approve this by November 7th.

Trustee Mancini asked if the Village could enter into an agreement with the library and School District 129 before any money is spent and also suggested “an amount not to exceed.” Atty. Drendel said the Village is not obligated to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with another entity. Mayor Berman questioned the need for an agreement with the library and school district. Mancini said it was not a good idea to move forward without knowing what the library and school district want to do.

Trustee Curtis said she was concerned that the current EAV will be considerably less than the EAV after the area is a TIF District.

(Discussion to continue at the next Committee of the Whole meeting on October 3rd).

EXECUTIVE SESSION – Wes Kornowske said there was no need for an executive session since there was nothing new to discuss for Labor Negotiations at this time.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Gaffino and seconded by Trustee Mancini. All in favor. Motion approved.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk

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