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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

Committee of the Whole Minutes

JANUARY 3, 2011

Mayor Berman called the meeting to order.

In attendance: Mayor Dale Berman, Trustee Mike Herlihy, Trustee Chris Faber, Trustee Mark Guethle, Trustee Bob Strusz, Trustee Mark Gaffino, Trustee Vince Mancini Village Clerk Lori Murray.

Staff in attendance: Police Chief Tom Fetzer, Chief Administrative Officer Wes Kornowske, Community Development Director Scott Buening, Water Superintendent Paul Young¸ Public Works Superintendent Mike Glock, Village Attorney Kevin Drendel.


1. Discussion on an Annexation Agreement, Annexation and Rezoning/PUD of Property on the East/South side of Orchard Rd. North of Tanner Road (Mango Creek/Butler property)
Scott Buening mentioned that the Plan Commission conducted a public hearing on December 7th for the zoning hearing and there were no public comments. The Plan Commission recommended unanimously in favor. A public hearing for the Village Board will be held at the 2nd meeting in January. The property would be rezoned with B2 for Orchard Road and R4 for the rear of the property. A maximum of 30% of the site can be residential. There would also be a 100-foot wide landscape buffer between uses. Site plan approval would be required before any improvement on the property.

Presentation by Attorney Bruce Goldsmith – property is located north of Oak Street and adjacent to Orchard Road on the curb of the road. It is a pie-shaped piece of property and would contain an internal road to link up to the houses and townhomes. The County is concerned with the functionality of Deerpath Road. The County would like direct connection from Deerpath to Orchard. The petitioner proposed a full intersection tied to the Deerpath extension and an internal road that would serve the commercial development on the west side of the property.

Trustee Herlihy asked if the Village would continue a 50-foot landscape buffer along Orchard Road that exists to the east. Buening said yes. Herlihy said he did not have a problem with residential being a buffer for a school, but did not like commercial going up to the property line of the school. Atty. Goldsmith said there would be a 100-foot buffer according to the annexation agreement.

Trustee Mancini was concerned with the southeast portion of the property. Mancini asked if there is an easement that will have to be granted to the school. Buening said that there is an agreement with the school district to provide this for the right-of-way.

2. Discussion on an Ordinance Amending the Zoning Provision of the North Aurora Code Relating to Outdoor Vending; and an Ordinance Amending the North Aurora Municipal Code Relating to Adult Products and Adult Displays
Buening said that the ordinance would regulate all outdoor vending within the Village. A survey of all businesses was done and the result was that there are very few vending machines within the village. Changes to the Adult Product Ordinance would regulate what is displayed in the vending machines.

Faber said that the current vending machines in the Village would not meet the signage requirements. Buening said that they would be considered legal nonconforming and would be grandfathered.

The Board decided to eliminate Section 2 of the ordinance.

Trustee Herlihy said that the Village has been publishing its statutory notices in a newspaper of nominal circulation in North Aurora and suggested this be reviewed. Herlihy said he noticed one of the public notices a couple of weeks ago and could not read the notice since the print was so small. Herlihy said that notices should communicate to the public and advertise, adding that the paper the Village is currently using does not serve the Village well. Kornowske said that this would be reviewed.

Motion made by Trustee Guethle and seconded by Trustee Gaffino to adjourn to executive session. All in favor. Motion approved.


Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Guethle and seconded by Trustee Faber. All in favor. Motion approved.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk

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