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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

Committee of the Whole Minutes

DECEMBER 6, 2010

Mayor Berman called the meeting to order.

In attendance: Mayor Dale Berman, Trustee Mike Herlihy, Trustee Chris Faber, Trustee Mark Gaffino, Trustee Bob Strusz, Trustee Vince Mancini, Village Clerk Lori Murray. Not in attendance: Trustee Mark Guethle.

Staff in attendance: Water Superintendent Paul Young, Public Works Superintendent Mike Glock, Police Chief Tom Fetzer, Village Engineer Jim Bibby, Chief Administrative Officer Wes Kornowske, Village Atty. Kevin Drendel, Finance Director Bill Hannah, Community Development Director Scott Buening.


1. Discussion on Route 31 TIF District Projects
Scott Buening informed the Board that Staff has been discussing priorities in the TIF District. There are a number of large projects that have been proposed. Staff is trying to gauge which projects the Village should move forward with. Two larger projects are the Smoketree Lane improvements and the Route 31 utility burial. Burial of the utility poles would cost $2.5 million and Smoketree would cost $3 million.

Wes Kornowske said the Village applied for a grant for the burial of the utility poles. Will need easement for 34 properties. Rough estimates are $200,000 to $300,000 for land acquisition. Buening said that for the Smoketree project, some of the roadway alignments will probably be at $300,000 land acquisition costs.

Herlihy said that communication needs to be established with property owners if the project is going to move forward. Herlihy added that these types of improvements should not be a village burden and property owners should be participating.

Kornowske said that the Village cannot do both projects, and asked the Board if Staff should plan for a specific project. Buening noted that land acquisition had already begun with Smoketree.

Kornowske said that a meeting could be held with owners in the TIF District.

Mayor Berman said that Smoketree would benefit more from the construction than Route 31.

Herlihy requested a circulation drawing/map for the Board to review.

The Board decided to table this item until they have the Kane/McKenna report in hand.

2. Discussion on Rempe-Sharpe and Associates, Inc. Hourly Rate Charges for Calendar Year 2011
Wes Kornowske said that no action was needed and that this would be going to the Village Board on December 23rd.

Jim Bibby said that Rempe Sharpe has taken a 0% increase in two of the last five years. Average over the last four years was 1.91%. Trustee Gaffino said that in his field, there have been no increases. Gaffino was not in favor of approving an increase.

1. Presentation by Dave Sheble, Coordinator of the Fox Valley Marathon
Mr. Sheble, coordinator of the Fox Valley Marathon, addressed the Board. The Fox Valley Marathon was held on Sept 19th with 1100 runners from 30 states and Japan. Eighty-eight percent of the runners were from Illinois. Plans are underway to have the race in a larger field next year. Sheble said that North Aurora will be one of the key focal points.

Sheble thanked Chief Fetzer for the department’s help with this year’s race, which raised $10,000 for local charities. Sheble then presented a plaque to the Village in appreciation for their participation.


Motion made by Trustee Herlihy and seconded by Trustee Gaffino to adjourn to executive session for the purpose of labor negotiations. All in favor. Motion approved.

(Return from Executive Session)

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Gaffino and seconded by Trustee Faber. All in favor. Motion approved.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk

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