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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

Committee of the Whole Minutes

JUNE 15, 2009

CALL TO ORDER – 7:00 p.m.
Mayor Berman called the meeting to order.

In attendance: Mayor Dale Berman, Trustee Mike Herlihy, Trustee Chris Faber, Trustee Mark Guethle, Trustee Bob Strusz, Trustee Mark Gaffino, Village Clerk Lori Murray. Not in attendance: Trustee Vince Mancini.

Staff in attendance: Assistant to the Village Administrator Wes Kornowske, Finance Director Bill Hannah, Community Development Director Scott Buening, Public Works Superintendent Mike Glock, Village Engineer Jim Bibby, Police Chief Tom Fetzer, Fire District representative Ryan Lambert.


1. Discussion of 310 Banbury/NA Care Center Special Use – Atty. John Philipchuck addressed the Board on behalf of Peterson Health Care. Atty. Philipchuck stated that since the last meeting with the Village, the petitioner had met with the school district assistant superintendent and the principal of Schneider School. Both were appreciative of what was being done by Peterson Health Care. An invitation was extended for Peterson Health Care to attend the PTO meeting before school begins in order to talk to parents. The school district supported the ordinance. Atty. Philipchuck said that he spoke with Ron McKay regarding the baseball teams and McKay said there had been no incidents he was aware of. Philipchuck said the Ordinance was revised by Attorney Drendel based on some comments from trustees at the last village meeting. Peterson Health Care was in agreement with those changes and asked that the ordinance be approved at the next meeting. Trustee Guethle said he was in agreement with the ordinance. Trustee Herlihy said the confirmation from the school district reclarified the level and type of incidents. Herlihy said that the ordinance is a fairly balanced first shot at addressing the changes. Mayor Berman said he had not talked to Trustee Mancini but thought the letters from the school district would answer concerns. New Business.

2. Discussion of an Amended Meeting Schedule for the remainder of Calendar Year 2009 – Trustee Herlihy said that the Board might want to consider adding another meeting to the month of September since there was only one meeting scheduled. Mayor Berman said that the Board could call a special meeting at a later date if needed. Consent Agenda.

3. Discussion of an Amendment to Chapter 5.48.010 of the Village Code pertaining to the Village of North Aurora Carnival Ordinance – Chief Fetzer mentioned that former trustee Max Herwig had asked that this ordinance be reviewed. All work on the ordinance has been finished. A number of other communities were researched in regard to carnivals and changes were made to the ordinance. Atty. Drendel said that anyone could bring a carnival to town and that having a good ordinance in place was important. Consent Agenda.
3. Discussion of a Resolution Supporting the 27th Annual North Aurora Pet Parade Resolution – Consent Agenda.
4. Discussion of an Amendment to Chapter 10.32 of the Village Code Regarding Commercial Relocators in the Village of North Aurora – Consent Agenda.

5. Discussion of traffic issues and a request for a stop sign at Fairfield Way and Aster Court – Stop signs are warranted due to site problems at Fairfield Way and Aster Court. Trustee Herlihy said that his only suggestion was on the Fairfield eastbound approach, to have the no parking end at the tangent. Jim Bibby said they could trim down the no parking area by one lot. New Business.

6. Discussion of changes to the sign ordinance regarding temporary signs for inflatable balloons – Community Development Director Scott Buening said the Village needed to create another ordinance for temporary signs for inflatable balloons. It would allow for a 10-day permit with a maximum of 4 permits per year. Mayor Berman said that 30 days would fit the normal requirement and that A&W had just requested a permit for 30 days. Herlihy asked about tethered balloons. Buening said that those inflatable signs would be permitted. The Board decided to change the length of the permit to 30 days instead of 10 days. A new ordinance to be provided to the Board at the next meeting. New Business.

7. Discussion of Annexation of Fox Valley Park District properties along the Fox River and Route 31
Scott Buening said that the bike trail on the west side of the Fox River north of village limits to Mooseheart is unincorporated. The park district has agreed to let the Village annex their properties and have submitted a permit to annex. This would bring the Village limits to Mooseheart Road to the bike trail. Consent Agenda.

8. Discussion of Membership with the Illinois Public Works Mutual Aid Network (IPWMAN) – Public Works Superintendent Mike Glock said that IPWMAN is an organization that provides mutual aid for public works departments. Glock said he would like to get North Aurora involved in the event that the Village suffers a major disaster, this organization could provide aid. Village Engineer Jim Bibby said that Wood Dale had a problem in the past and this organization helped at no charge. Consent Agenda.

9. Discussion of bids for 2009 Road Program – Oak Street frontage and Sycamore Lane Improvements – Glock said that engineering came in at $179,000 under engineer’s estimate because the price of asphalt dropped. Glock said he would like to take $50,000 and use it towards a couple additional crack sealing projects. Bibby said the proposal is for a new bid for July. Consent Agenda.

10. Discussion of the purchase of HMO Chemicals for the Treatment Plant –
Water Superintendent Paul Young asked the Board to accept Carus Chemical as the sole provider for the chemicals needed for the treatment plant. Young said he has not been able to find other vendors who would provide the same chemicals. Young said he has spoken with Viking Chemical but they were unable to supply the Manganese Sulfate or Sodium Permanganate at the concentration the Village currently uses or provide it at a lower cost.

Trustee Herlihy said that if the Village uses a single source supplier for too long of a time, will see prices increase. Young said that prices have increased by 5%. Mayor Berman suggested this be a discussion for the water committee. New Business to waive bidding.

11. Discussion of an Intergovernmental Agreement with Aurora for a radio antenna on the Princeton water tower
Chief Fetzer said that the department has to buy a new radio system and needs the radio antennae to go on the auto mall water tower. An Intergovernmental Agreement with Aurora will make this happen. Consent Agenda.


Mayor Berman appointed the following trustees to the four committees:

Finance Committee – Bob Strusz (Chairman), Mike Herlihy, Vince Mancini. Bill Hannah to be the Staff representative.
Development Committee – Mark Guethle (Chairman), Mark Gaffino, Chris Faber
Public Safety Committee – Mark Gaffino (Chairman), Bob Strusz, Vince Mancini. Chief Fetzer to be the Police representative.
Public Facilities Committee – Trustee Herlihy (Chairman), Mark Guethle, Chris Faber. Wes Kornowske to be the Staff representative.

Mayor Berman asked that the committees talk amongst themselves and determine when they should meet and coincide that with the schedule of village meetings.

Mayor Berman said there were two resignations he had to announce. Bruce Mitchell from the Plan Commission would be stepping down and Mayor Berman said he would appoint Andrea Rattee. Jim Mitchell said he would be stepping down from NORDA and replaced by Brian Ballard. Chris Coakley would be the representative from the Fox Valley Park District.

Mayor Berman announced that the reopening of the village park and the riverfront overlook would be scheduled for 11:15 a.m. on June 26th.

Motion made by Trustee Guethle and seconded by Trustee Herlihy to adjourn the meeting. All in favor. Motion approved.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk

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