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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

Committee of the Whole Minutes

FEBRUARY 2, 2009

Village President Hansen called the meeting to order.

In attendance: Village President John Hansen, Trustee Dale Berman, Trustee Mike Herlihy, Trustee Bob Strusz, Trustee Mark Gaffino, Trustee Linda Mitchell, Trustee Max Herwig, Village Clerk Lori Murray.

Staff in attendance: Village Administrator Sue McLaughlin, Assistant to the Village Administrator Wes Kornowske, Finance Director Bill Hannah, Community Development Director Scott Buening, Public Works Superintendent Mike Glock, Water Superintendent Paul Young, Police Chief Tom Fetzer, Bureau Fire Chief Mark Bozik, Atty. Carolyn Jansons.



1. Discussion of Randall Highlands PUD Amendment – Signs – Community Development Director Scott Buening said that the nature of the request was to change the provisions regarding signage. The current zoning ordinance has restrictions in regard to awning vs. wall signs and does not allow for both. The Village has asked the petitioner to amend the PUD so that the situation can be addressed. The petitioner has added a few additional items in regard to signs allowable on other buildings:

1. – Office buildings – would allow for a tenant sign, provided that they have over
50% of the office area.
2. – Canopy & awning signs – allows for awnings or wall signs as long as they do
not exceed the maximum allowable 1-1/2 s.f. per foot of frontage.
3. – Change the canopy signs that are under a building so that there is a maximum
allowable 5 square feet.
4. – Signs for the hotel – current restriction on signage is a maximum of 30 feet in
height. Since the hotel is going to be a multi-story building, the petitioner has
asked for a 55-foot maximum. Buening said that one of the issues with a sign
at that height is illumination and that there may be some concerns with the
neighborhoods on either side of the building.

Trustee Herlihy said he would rather review the geometry rather than to approve a blanket 50 feet height.
The petitioner said that the ordinance currently states that signage could never be extended above the roof line. Petitioner said they would not be opposed to that and would have no intention of putting a sign above the roof line. Sue McLaughlin asked if the Board would want the petitioner to bring back an illustration at the next meeting. Herlihy said he would be in favor of reviewing a drawing.

McLaughlin asked about the awnings. Herlihy said the awning for Mothers Pancake House is gaudy and the concern was that it looks like a roof sign. Herlihy also noted that silk-screening on awnings have a lifespan.

Trustee Herwig said that in terms of signage on awnings, it would depend on the quality of the awning. Herwig suggested lettering be placed on the face of the awning and not on the top of it.

Village President Hansen questioned why the awnings for Mother’s Pancake House were allowed. Community Development Director Buening said that Mother’s was informed that they were in violation and worked with them and the developers to inform them that they needed to apply for this PUD amendment in order for the awnings to remain. Hansen asked if there is any paperwork that informs businesses of the requirement of sign approval. Buening said he did not believe that information is specifically on a building permit but that businesses are informed of what is required.

Trustee Herlihy asked if Camille’s fits the square footage limitation for their building if adding the wall signs and the face of the awnings. Buening said yes. Herlihy said that the remaining 60% of the building does not have a permanent sign but the square footage sign could be 50% greater than Camille’s. Buening said yes. Herlihy said that at Mother’s Pancake House, the ink on the awnings is on the slope and not on the face. Herlihy asked if they are within the square footage guidelines. Buening said that Mother’s show it is but Buening questioned if they were measuring properly. Herlihy said the petitioner is asking for three walls signs per establishment. In the case of this building, if there is a tenant resubdivision, there could be 15 potential signs. Buening said potentially, but they would still be limited by the square footage allowable for each of the tenants.

The Board requested the amendment be re-written with illustrations.

2. Discussion of a Resolution Authorizing the Village of North Aurora to enter into a Highway Authority Agreement with Speedway Superamerica LLC and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Trustee Herlihy said he had an issue with a paragraph in the resolution since it put a burden on the Village or any contractor that does work for the Village on the Village roads in the right of way if they encounter the contaminated soil. Herlihy said that his concern is that the contaminated soil becomes the Village’s responsibility under this agreement. Teska said there is a caveat since the highway authority agreement is a precursor to no further remediation required for the IEPA.

Atty. Jansons said that the language is mandated. If it is modified, it will be rejected. Jansons mentioned that Atty. Drendel suggested if advocating needs to be done as to what will happen, then Speedway needs to come in and answer some of these questions and possibly work with the Board on what happens if there is contamination found in the right of way.

Motion made by Trustee Herlihy and seconded by Trustee Strusz to adjourn the meeting. All in favor. Motion approved.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk

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