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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

Committee of the Whole Minutes

AUGUST 18, 2008

In the absence of Village President John Hansen, Trustee Max Herwig called the meeting to order.

In attendance: Trustee Max Herwig, Trustee Dale Berman, Trustee Mark Gaffino, Trustee Linda Mitchell, Trustee Mike Herlihy.

Staff in attendance: Village Administrator Sue McLaughlin, Assistant to the Village Administrator Wes Kornowske, Finance Director Bill Hannah, Community Development Director Scott Buening, Public Works Superintendent Mike Glock, Village Engineer Jim Bibby, Lieutenant Scott Buzecki, Bureau Fire Chief Mark Bozik, Pete Iosue of Teska Associates, Village Attorney Kevin Drendel.


Trustee Mitchell commended the North Aurora Police Department. Mitchell said she had a very positive experience with Officer Christopher Dosch over the weekend when she stopped by to ask for assistance with her grandchildren’s car seats. Mitchell said that Officer Dosch was polite, knowledgeable and very willing to help.

1. Discussion of 311 S. Lincolnway Sign Variance (Eden Supportive Living)
Community Development Director Scott Buening said that there is a sign that was on the roof of the Eden Supportive Living building facing the westbound lanes of the tollway. It is about 1,200 s.f. in area. The letters were taken off some time back and during the construction the structure was physically removed. Due to that, the grandfather clause has lapsed. Eden Supportive Living is asking to increase the allowable signage from 150 s.f. maximum to 1,200 s.f. They are also asking for a variance for a roof sign. Roof signs are not otherwise permitted under the ordinance. There was a hearing in front of the Plan Commission in which the Plan Commission voted unanimously to recommend denial of the request because the variance standards were not met. Buening said that if the Board grants the request, Staff would recommend that the variance would run with this property only and would lapse as soon as there is a change in ownership. Trustee Mitchell asked about Staff reasons for allowing the request. Buening said the sign was already in place some time ago. This would extend the grandfather clause that was there before. Mitchell asked, if the sign had not been removed, if it would have been grandfathered. Buening said no and that the letters were removed some time ago. Trustee Herlihy said that the Village has a clear position against billboards. Herlihy said that the letters have been gone for at least 20 years. Since then, the Village has taken steps to make sure the tollway corridor is not billboard alley. Herlihy said he was vehemently opposed to the variance. Trustee Berman was in agreement with the Plan Commission’s recommendation and would not be in favor of approving the variance request. Trustee Mitchell said that with the length of time that the sign was in disrepair, this would be an excellent time to bring the signage of that facility into compliance. Trustee Gaffino agreed with Trustee Mitchell. New Business.

2. Discussion of Oak Creek PUD Amendment and Resubdivision
Scott Buening said that the Plan Commission heard the request at their meeting of August 5th. Gladstone would be converting this plan from 13 townhome units to a total of 12 duplex units in 6 buildings as opposed to three townhouse buildings. Density would be reduced by 1 unit. This would be at the western side of the development where the vacant lots are currently located. The units will be similar to the end units of the townhomes. The Plan Commission reviewed this on August 5th and there were several members of the public that testified. There were concerns about cost of homes, landscaping, etc. The Plan Commission voted 3 to 4 on a Motion to approve the development, however, the Motion failed. Some concerns that were raised included sidewalks as well as the prior tree removal within the development.

Buening said that Staff recommended approval since the plan is consistent with the development pattern in the area, provides a mix of housing and provides lower density adjacent to the single family homes.

Adam Dontz of Gladstone Builders, 536 Sycamore Lane, gave a brief presentation of the plan and was available for questions.

Trustee Herlihy said there was quite a dilemma over cutting trees. Herlihy asked if this change would affect any of the trees. Mr. Dontz said there would be no change in the trees on the property. Herlihy said that in the new Lots 10 and 11, there is a rectangle that requires a plat for the buildable area with the setbacks. There is also a detention area. Herlihy asked if that would reduce the buildable area and if so, would the buildings fit on the lots. Buening said that the building area would be reduced and the revised plan shows that the building line is relocated so that it is coincident with the drainage utility easements. The buildings would still fit on the lots. Trustee Herlihy said that on what was Lot 6 and is now Lots 14 and 15, the east edge of Lot 6 was a public utility drainage, ingress/egress easement. Herlihy asked if that would still work if it is a combined common driveway for the two units on Lot 15 and two of the units on Lot 5. Buening said it would work.

Trustee Gaffino asked if there are any redundancy issues. Dontz said no.

Trustee Mitchell said that everything she has seen shows that this is a quality product. Mitchell said she did not have a problem with the plan.

Trustee Herwig said he walked the property and spoke with some of the homeowners. Dontz said that he met with 17 of the homeowners. Herwig said he was concerned about the steep grading of Lots 10 and 11 and asked if those lots would have lookout basements. Village Engineer Jim Bibby said that the homes would have deep lookouts and about 6 feet of the 8-foot grade separation on the basement level would be natural light into the basement.

Atty. Drendel asked if there were any conditions. Buening said yes and that those conditions would be discussed with Atty. Drendel. Recommendations included that the lots be renumbered and that the relocated bike path does not further impact trees in the open space area. Consent Agenda.

3. Discussion regarding AT&T Project Lightspeed
Trustee Herwig said that he went to one of the AT&T meetings and was impressed with the price points for opening packages. There are a number of packages that offer 100 channels to 400 channels with DVRs included with HBO and internet services. Pricing would range from $44.95 and the most expensive package would be about $110.00. Herwig said he was concerned since there is a lawsuit against the Village from AT&T and they said they would not provide some services until the lawsuit is resolved. This is causing the residents not to have a price option as far as another way of getting tv and internet. Herwig said that he spoke with Sue McLaughlin and she stated she would be meeting with AT&T’s government rep on August 21st.

Herwig said that the new cabinets are smaller in size at 48 inches.

McLaughlin said that Scott Buening looked at some of the sites, and there were only a few with visibility issues.

Trustee Mitchell said she wants to make sure that the services are offered to all residents in the village.

Trustee Herlihy said the Village has maintained a very steadfast position on what is in the best interest of the residents. The Village has moved ahead to adjust its ordinances to accommodate the new technology and has done everything it can.

4. Discussion of automatic zoning of newly annexed land
Buening said that the ordinance would make the ER district the default zoning for newly annexed land. Consent Agenda.

5. Discussion of amendments to zoning procedures
Buening said there were a lot of procedure discrepancies between the various types of zoning approvals, variances, map amendments, rezoning, puds, etc. The amendments would make the zoning applications consistent in terms of the requirements. Buening said that the Plan Commission had no objections. Consent Agenda.

6. Discussion on contract proposal from Design Perspectives, Inc. for the Riverfront Overlook project in the amount of $29,700.00
Assistant to the Village Administrator Wes Kornowske noted that the committee looked at 20 different firms and recommended Design Perspectives, Inc. Trustee Berman asked if a design is needed before getting the permit. Kornowske said yes. Village Engineer Jim Bibby said that as soon as the first one-third of the architectural site work design is complete, the Village can initiate the permit process with the IDNR and the Army Corps.

Trustee Herlihy said that this design has the Village building something on the damn abutment. Kornowske said there is no objection to building there. Herlihy said that if there is any damn reconstruction necessary in the future, is it the Army Corps work and will the Village’s structure be protected. Kornowske said he did not know the answer at this time. Bibby said that in the absence of an intergovernmental agreement with the Corps, the Village is at its own risk. Bibby said that this is something the Village would want to have in writing. Consent Agenda.

7. Discussion of B-1/B-2 zoning amendments
Buening noted that on the use list under Motor Vehicle Service Stations that there is no “x” and the recommendation was for special use under the B2 district.

Trustee Herlihy asked where B1 districts are located in the community. Buening said that the Village does not have a B1 district at this time. Buening said that the Village is in the middle of the zoning ordinance revisions and the districts could be reconfigured.

Trustee Herlihy said that heliports and helistops are listed as B2. Herlihy asked why the Village would want this in a B2 district. Buening said the Village may have an opportunity for something like that in a hospital. Herlihy suggested taking this use out since it is so special and unique a use. Herlihy said that ice skating rinks are permitted in a B2, but would consider it as a special use instead of an every day permitted use.

Buening said he would make the changes and put that information into an ordinance. New Business.

Atty. Drendel said that if any uses are being taken out of the list of B1/B2, those uses need to go back in somewhere else where the Board wants it because if it is not listed, it leaves it open for that use to go anywhere.

Pete Iosue of Teska said there were only a few uses that were pulled. Items related to satellite dishes that were covered in another section and tattoo parlors. Buening said that tattoo and body piercing was a use that the Plan Commission wanted in an industrial district. The Plan Commission recommended it be a special use in the B2 district, but wanted it in an industrial district. They could not do that, however, since the hearing was published for the B1/B2 amendments.

Consensus by the Board to delete heliports from the B2 district and change ice skating rinks from a permitted to a special use, as suggested by Trustee Herlihy.

8. Discussion of Pay Request No. 4, Final in the amount of $6,133.00 to MIC Construction Inc. for the Salt Storage Building Addition
Consent Agenda.

9. Discussion of the State Purchase of a new 1-ton dump truck
Mike Glock said that the 2009 truck would cost $73,000. Budgeted amount was $70,000. The Village finance director did not see a problem with the additional cost. Consent Agenda.

10. Discussion of an additional parking change at Goodwin School
Lieutenant Buzecki said that Mike Glock received comments from the residents who live near Goodwin School regarding parking. Buzecki said that parents were double parking on Harmony Drive and children would run out between parked cars. The police department suggested the placement of nine new signs and the replacement of one sign to restrict the parking only during the hours of pick up and drop off at the school.

There are four types of signs to restrict parking on the north side of Harmony, west side of Cypress and on both sides of State Street for the first 90 feet from the corner on State Street.

Consent Agenda.



Motion made by Trustee Gaffino and seconded by Trustee Herlihy to adjourn the meeting. All in favor. Motion approved.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk

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