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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

Committee of the Whole Minutes

JUNE 2, 2008

Village President Hansen called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

In attendance: Village President John Hansen, Trustee Dale Berman, Trustee Mike Herlihy, Trustee Bob Strusz, Trustee Mark Gaffino, Trustee Linda Mitchell. Not in attendance: Trustee Max Herwig.

Staff in attendance: Village Administrator Sue McLaughlin, Management Analyst Wes Kornowske, Finance Director Bill Hannah, Community Development Director Scott Buening, Public Works Superintendent Mike Glock, Village Engineer Jim Bibby, Water Superintendent Paul Young, Police Chief Tom Fetzer, Fire Bureau Chief Mark Bozik.


PUBLIC HEARING – Deer Run Subdivision Annexation Agreement – Deerpath Road (Zepelak)
Village President Hansen opened the public hearing.

Atty. John Philipchuck, 123 Water Street, Naperville, IL – Atty. Philipchuck mentioned that the concept plan (43 acres on Deerpath Road) had been before the Village Board in the fall and was also seen by the Plan Commission. A revised plan was presented along with an annexation agreement. Atty. Philipchuck stated that the proposal before the Village was for annexation of an infill piece of land between Tanner Trails, Mirador and Deer Oaks subdivisions to the Village of North Aurora. The project would be comprised of a 73-lot subdivision with an E3 zoning. The project will include custom and semi-custom home builders. Atty. Philipchuck noted that there were a couple of issues that Mr. Zepelak and Village Staff were not in agreement. One was a consideration for bonding by individual builders for parkway trees and sidewalks. The other item was impact fees. Atty. Philipchuck noted that there is one lot in the subdivision that faces Deerpath Road. The Plan Commission had recommended relocating this lot to the south. Atty. Philipchuck said that this house is now being planned north of Mooseheart Road, still fronting Deerpath Road. At this time, Atty. Philipchuck introduced the land planner, Mike Shoppe of Shoppe Design Associates.

Mike Shoppe, Shoppe Design Associates, 136 S. Main Street, Oswego, IL – Mr. Shoppe reviewed the changes that were made since the concept plan. There was an issue with a private access lot which has since been deleted from the plan. There was discussion at the concept review about transitional lots. There were 13 lots facing the county subdivision. There are now 8 lots that were created by making the original 13 lots larger. With the adjustments, there are now 73 lots. Shoppe stated that the Plan Commission discussed the number of lots that were less than 14,000 s.f. There are now 28 lots that are smaller than 14,000 s.f. Shopped mentioned that Lot 22 was moved north of Mooseheart Road, entirely away from the grove of trees, and would front Deerpath Road. Shoppe said that additional standards would have to be placed on that lot such as the front yard setback being adjusted to provide a turnaround driveway, increasing the setback along the south property line from 10 feet to 40 feet, and pushing the driveway to this lot as far north as possible.

There were no other comments. Village President Hansen closed the public hearing.

PUBLIC HEARING – 108 Sharon Lane – Annexation
Village President Hansen opened the public hearing. Community Development Director Scott Buening said that this property was one of the remaining properties in the Country Club Estates subdivision that was inadvertently left out when the Village annexed the entire neighborhood. Trustee Berman asked how it was determined that this property was not in the Village. Buening said he reviewed the Kane County GIS and discovered that this parcel was not in the Village. Trustee Berman said Buening should be commended for his work. There were no further comments. Village President Hansen closed the public hearing.


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