Waste Management Recognized Holidays – In the event that any of the following holidays fall on a weekday, all refuse, yard-waste, and recyclable collections services on that day, and for the remainder of that week, shall be delayed one day after the recognized holiday. This will generally result in trash collection on Saturday for your regular Friday pick-up.
The following are the Waste Management RECOGNIZED HOLIDAYS that will affect trash pick-up:
New Years Day 1/1/2019 – Trash pick-up Satruday Jan. 5
Memorial Day 5/27/2019 – Trash pick-up Saturday June 1
Independence Day 7/4/2019 – Trash pick-up Saturday July 6
Labor Day 9/2/2019 – Trash pick-up Saturday Sept. 7
Thanksgiving Day 11/28/2019 – Trash pick up Saturday Nov. 30
Christmas Day 12/25/2019 – Trash pick up Saturday Dec. 28
All other holidays such as Martin Luther King Day, Presidents Day, Columbus Day, or Veterans Day WILL NOT affect your regular Friday trash pick-up.