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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

Committee of the Whole Minutes

DECEMBER 7, 2009

Mayor Berman called the meeting to order.

In attendance: Mayor Dale Berman, Trustee Mike Herlihy. Trustee Chris Faber, Trustee Mark Guethle, Trustee Bob Strusz, Trustee Mark Gaffino, Trustee Vince Mancini.

Staff in attendance: Staff in attendance: Wes Kornowske, Bill Hannah, Scott Buening, Mike Glock, Paul Young, Jim Bibby Tom Fetzer, Ryan Lambert, Kevin Drendel.


1. Discussion on the North Aurora Parade Committee – The proposed route for the North Aurora Parade was presented. The route would start at Clock Tower Plaza, head east on Oak Street to Route 31, south on Route 31 to State Street and back east to Island Park. Mayor Berman said this was discussed at the Staff meeting and felt it would be better to come down Adams Street rather than Route 31. Residents could sit on the yards on Adams Street easier than on Route 31. Trustee Herlihy said that if the parade route went across Route 31 to Gibson and Monroe, would only be crossing the bridge on Route 56 and wouldn’t be going through the traffic light.

Trustee Gaffino said he is on the committee and the idea is to make the event festive and have it in the open. Gaffino said it is important enough to have the parade route travel through the community. Mayor Berman suggested going with the proposed route (Oak to Route 31 to State Street). Chief Fetzer said he would draft a resolution.

2. Discussion on IDOT Plans for Route 31 at Oak Street
Wes Kornowske said that he, Mike Glock and Mark Smith (Rempe Sharpe) went to Schaumburg on Friday to discuss the Route 31/Oak Street signalization project. The contract letting is June 11, 2010. Final plans are due March 19th. IDOT will be sending an Intergovernmental Agreement in the next couple of weeks. Other issues are traffic detouring. IDOT expressed reluctance to provide any traffic detour signs for the project. Staff and police agreed that oversized truck permits might be suspended for the three month period on that intersection. Materials staging was also discussed. IDOT is going to put that into the contract documents that it is the contractor’s responsibility to find a place to stage, which could be the Activity Center parking lot.

3. Discussion on IDOT Plans for Route 31 Repaving from Sullivan Road to Lovedale Lane – Trustee Herlihy asked if IDOT would be repaving the entire Sullivan intersection. Herlihy said the intersection is only three years old and pavement was brand new with the Sullivan Bridge project.


1. Probable Litigation
2. Personnel
3. Review of Executive Session Minutes dated 11/16/09 I, II, III – tabled
4. Labor Negotiations

No Executive Session Minutes to be reviewed.

Motion made by Trustee Herlihy and seconded by Trustee Gaffino to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss probable litigation, personnel and labor negotiations. All in favor. Motion approved.

Motion made by Trustee Herlihy and seconded by Trustee Guethle to adjourn the meeting. All in favor. Motion approved.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk

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