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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

Storm Damage Pick Up Area

Storm Damage Pick Up Area

During last night’s storms our Public Works Department and Police Department drove the community to assess damage. Our Public Works Department was able to clear roadways by last evening to make them passable.

One area in town, outlined on the below map, suffered extensive damage where dozens of large limbs and trees fell last night from what appears to be high velocity straight line winds. If your home resides in this area, south of Oak Street from Windstone Drive to Route 31, Public Works crews will be on scene to pick up branches and limbs from your property that are brought to the curb by end of day Wednesday, July 17. This program is *only* for branches/limbs that fell during this storm.

Given the amount of trees in this area that fell, the goal is to have these limbs and branches picked up by the end of the week, but all branches will ultimately be picked up even if this extends into next week. The Village is still assessing storm damage, and if needed will extend the pickup area.

Thank you for your patience with this process and give a shoutout to our Public Works crews if you see them in the area.

Village of North Aurora

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