Who is ready to have a blast at the Village of North Aurora’s annual Independence Day Celebration on July 3, 2024? We’ve got the full scoop below on entertainment, parking and shuttles, food and drinks, and of course the fireworks! The event takes place at North
Aurora Riverfront Park and starts at 5:00 pm!

Food & Drinks: We’re all about the community picnic vibe and we invite the community to bring in their own blankets and chairs, food, grills and /or check out some fantastic local options all within 1-mile walking distance from the event. And for this event it is bring your own drinks, which includes alcohol! REGARDING DROP OFF OF SUPPLIES: We know folks like to drop things off in the park prior to the event (please note: the Village is not responsible for lost or stolen items), and the Village Hall back parking lot will be available until 4:30 pm for drop-offs only (NO PARKING) where you can drive in to unload supplies. No vehicles are allowed in the back parking lot after 4:30 pm for the safety of all.
Live Music: From 6:00 pm—9:00 pm the award-winning party band Good Clean Fun will be performing in the park! Good Clean Fun delivers an exciting, engaging show, and features a playlist of party hits that span every decade!
Parking and Shuttles: This year there will be shuttle service provided. Shuttles will run from 5:00 pm—11:00 pm with locations at Blessed Sacrament Church and Schneider Elementary School. Shuttles will run approximately every 15 minutes between locations.
Parking: Parking is available at North Island Park and various Village lots along State Street. This year there is NO PARKING ALLOWED AT THE ROUTE 31 / STATE STREET LOT. This area will be for viewing with pedestrian access only. Handicap parking will be available at the front Village Hall lot.
We have had a few wonderful businesses provide permission to park in their lots for this event. Please see the list (and approved times to park) below! We’d also like to give a shoutout to NAPA Auto Parts (4 South Grant Street) for providing parking for our Village staff, EMA volunteers and vendors!
~A&W Restaurant North Aurora, IL (113 South Lincolnway): After 6pm
~Fox Valley Animal Welfare League (11 John Street): Anytime after 5pm
~Crossway Fox Valley (115 Oak Street): Anytime after 5pm
~ Messenger Public Library (113 Oak Street): Anytime after 5pm
~ DG Partners (100 North Lincolnway): Anytime after 5pm
~ Aurora Dentrix (111 Oak Street): Anytime after 5pm
~ Harner’s Bakery Restaurant & Catering (10 West State Street): Anytime after 7:30pm
~ Ignite Vape & Glass (111 South Lincolnway): Anytime after 5pm
~ Old Second National Bank (200 West John Street): Anytime after 5pm
Fireworks: And last but not least, the fireworks! The fireworks will launch at approximately 9:30 pm! As a reminder, there is no viewing from the bridge!