Our 2024 Village Scavenger Hunt has launched! Please find all rules and information on the Village website page, but a quick review and reminder about the Scavenger Hunt:
1. All locations will be on PUBLIC PROPERTY; please do not trespass at private residences or businesses!
2. Make sure to write down all the clue locations (or take photos of them) as you will need to submit all 10 to qualify!
3. First three teams to finish are guaranteed prizes ($100, $75 and $50 gift cards of their choosing to a North Aurora business). All other teams are entered into a raffle for a $25 gift card!
4. The Scavenger Hunt runs from June 8 to July 1 at midnight!
5. Please do not remove or tamper with the clues. We want everyone to be able to participate!
And without further ado, your first riddle. Good luck!
🔎 Riddle
If you want to have a jamboree
A party to cut loose and be wild and free
We know where to go, follow our tracks
We’ve got a little trek, bring the snacks!
Walking is out, we’ll be too bored
Venturing for playtime is also a no; ignored!
As the crow flies south you should pursue
Follow its path to its nest and you’ll find your next clue!