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Construction Updates 6/2/23

Construction Updates 6/2/23


Chestnut Street, Locust Street, & Spruce Street Water Main and Street Improvement Project


This week the contractor completed the concrete sidewalk and driveway apron restoration on the side of the street that had been removed.


On Saturday, they are planning to complete the asphalt apron restoration on the three streets.


On Monday, the contractor is planning to begin removal of the concrete curb and sidewalk that is designated for removal on the south side of Chestnut St., north side of Locust St., and south side of Spruce Street.  The plan to begin pouring the new curb and sidewalk near the end of next week.


2023 Road Program

This week the contractor poured the remainder of the sidewalk on the project.  They also completed most asphalt apron restorations on the project.    The contractor’s landscaper has continued to follow behind the concrete crew placing, topsoil, grass seed, and erosion control blanket.  They completed the remainder of the asphalt roadway removals and stone base preparation on the project.


The asphalt surface course was completed on Schneider Ct., Johnson Ct., Harding Ct., Gorham Ct., Erickson Ct., Stewart Ave., and Thompson Ave.  The first layer of asphalt was completed on the majority of Pine Creek Dr., Graham Rd., Hamilton Ln., and Chesterfield Ln.


On Saturday, they are planning to complete the majority of asphalt apron restoration on Hamilton Ln.  They also are planning to place the first layer of asphalt on the cul-de-sac at the end of Graham and Flynn Court.


Next week, the contractor will complete any remaining asphalt apron restorations.  The landscaper will also be continuing the grass restoration.  On Tuesday the contractor will continue with placing the first layer of asphalt pavement on the remainder of the project, which includes the remainder of Hamilton Ln., Chesterfield Ln., Pine Creek Dr., and Carpenter Ct.    The rest of the week they are planning to try to complete the remaining streets that need to have the final layer of asphalt placed.


Please continue to park your car in your driveway during the workday, unless your street has had the final surface course placed.

Village of North Aurora

Install Village of North Aurora

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