New Purchase Exchange Location
The parking lot of the North Aurora Police Department is now a purchase exchange location.
A parking space in front of the station, located at 200 S. Lincolnway, on the northwest corner of Rt. 31 & Airport Rd., has been designated as a “Purchase Exchange Location” to give residents a safe location to complete internet sales. The area is well-lit at night and recorded by surveillance cameras 24 hours per day. A sign has been posted to mark the location.
“The North Aurora police want to make a safe and secure place for people to exchange purchases,” said Chief of Police David Fisher. “The parking lot of the police department is a safe location to do so, as police are in and out of the building and the lot is under constant video surveillance,” he said.
The exchange location is available 24 hours per day, seven days per week on a first come, first served basis, though officers won’t be monitoring it in real time. If someone needs assistance, people should ask for an officer at the front desk or use the call box located inside the front entrance to reach dispatch. Call 911 if there is an emergency. Police recommend people use the exchange location during daylight hours.
The North Aurora Police Department recommends using our purchase exchange location whenever you have to meet a stranger to complete a sale. Don’t go alone and don’t go to someone’s home or invite them to yours.